Category Archives: Business

Business in Newburyport, MA

Stephen Karp to Visit Newburyport, MA

Well, this is a relief. Really and truly a relief.

According to today’s Newburyport Daily News, January 30, 2008, Stephen Karp is coming to visit Newburyport, MA. The hope is for sometime in early March 2008.

“”It is just him trying to be visible here,” the mayor said… “It will be open to the public.”

The intention of the meeting, which is being pursued by (John) Moak and other Newburyport officials, is simply an introduction of the “players” involved with New England Development, including Karp, Moak said…”

“Moak said he wasn’t sure what form Karp’s visit would take but said he could address his development philosophy and introduce his team…”

“It is going to be more of an introduction, an introduction of New England Development to the community,” Moak said…

“At this point, the logical thing to do is to get to know the people of Newburyport and listen to their concerns to see if he can put those concerns to rest,” Jones (Newburyport City Councilor Tom Jones ) said. “I think he would find the people of Newburyport to be very welcoming to that…”

He (Newburyport City Councilor Tom Jones) said it is better to work with residents at the start than fighting them throughout…” (Newburyport Daily News, January 30, 2008, “Karp planning first visit to Port to introduce development team,” by Stephen Tait)

Mary Eaton

(Editor’s Note: Gillian Swart in the Newburyport Current, reported on February 7, 2008, that Stephen Karp will be in Newburyport, MA, Thursday, March 13, 2008, at a public forum–time and place to be determined.)

Newburyport, MA, the Integrity and the Fate of our City

I have had this conversation with many folks, always folks who have moved to Newburyport, MA “recently.” And by recently that could be 7 years to a month ago.

The question is, “So what if Stephen Karp’s plan is high-end homogenization. Why would that not be good for Newburyport, MA. Wouldn’t the economic prosperity that would ensue, be a bottom line in helping out our small New England city financially?”

There are any number of levels on which to respond to that question. Buy Local addresses some of the economic concerns, which people may not agree with (see Tom Salemi’s blog, Newburyport Posts).

When Roger Foster bought so much of the downtown property, whether one agreed with Mr. Foster’s goals or not (wanting a hotel on the Central Waterfront, on the NRA property), the land was owned by someone who had an emotional attachment to Newburyport.

When that land was bought by Chuck and Ann Lagasse, many people were concerned on the one hand, but on the other, again these were 2 people who lived within the community, had strong community ties, and also had what appeared to be a strong emotional attachment to Newburyport, MA.

For both Roger Foster and Chuck and Ann Lagasse, whether one agreed with the approach or not, there appeared to be a certain “integrity” in the ownership of the land. Both could have been seen as “family-run” businesses, interested about the bottom line, but also having a balance of being involved in and caring about the community of Newburyport, MA.

But this is what it feels like to me. This large piece of land (that contains over “50 retail properties in downtown Newburyport and along the waterfront,” New England Development’s website) has gone from being run as a family-run affair, to being owned by a very large and ambitious corporate entity, with no emotional attachment to Newburyport, MA, whose focus would solely be on the bottom line.

And although I hear all the time, that Ann and Chuck Lagasse are in charge for a reason, to maintain integrity, I do not buy it. That is my opinion.

It is my opinion that there has to be a business plan, and that business plan would have to come from the top, i.e. New England Development. And the way that the business appears now to be structured, it is my opinion that the Lagasses could not possibly have the last say, and final input, which would include input from the community, in what would happen to the fate of Newburyport, MA.

It is my opinion, that the emotional attachment and the “integrity” of the ownership, have been greatly compromised.

Mary Eaton

Search Engine Marketing and the Newburyport Blog

Again I thought I would share with the readers of the Newburyport Blog who have businesses and websites, about how the Newburyport Blog has managed to come up high or 1st on Google for any number of “key” words.

One of the keys, seems to be that Google likes to know in the title, what the content is going to be about.

So if the content is how to market your business for search engines, and how the Newburyport Blog actually pops up on Googe, it could be a good idea to have “Search Engine Marketing and the Newburyport Blog” as your title.

And the other thing that I’ve found is, that it helps to use the “key” words that are in the title, in the content as well. Not ridiculously so (this apparently would be called “keyword stuffing,” bad idea), but it appears to be giving another clue to the Google search engine, exactly what your content would be about. Writing content to market your product on the one hand, but also keeping in mind how search engines would find your business and your subject matter as well.

And as for marketing stuff, I might as well be utterly blatant, and use the Newburyport Blog to market my art work. The Sherry French Gallery, a very prestigious gallery for realistic art work in New York City, is putting me in their 3rd group show since September, which is a tremendous an honor.

The show is called “Flowers in February,” it runs from January 30th thru February 23rd, 2008. And the painting of the “Rhododendrons and Fence” below is one of the four paintings that will be in the show at the Sherry French Gallery.


The Rhododendrons in the painting were in bloom on one of my walks through the beautiful and historic South End of Newburyport. I ended up painting flowers that are all over my neighborhood in Newburyport, MA.

You can check it out as well at Mary Baker Art.

Content Management, Websites and the Newburyport Blog

This is again for my readers in business, with websites, passing on information that I’ve acquired in making the Newburyport Blog come up high or #1 on Search Engines.

By shear dumb luck the blog format I ended up using for the Newburyport Blog is WordPress, which is not only blog software but also what is referred to as a “Content Management System” (CMS).

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that could easily become an organic part of a website, if so desired, and search engines appear, at this point, to love it. It’s also free.

What is “content management?” Content management is a way after a website is designed, for the owner of the website to easily update the content, whether it is news, information, whatever the owner of the business would like. It also enables a group of people within a business, to update information for both the customers, clients and the search engines.

And there are a lot of content management systems out there.

One of the reasons I like WordPress so much for the Newburyport Blog is the way that information is organized.

One post, one page of content, will appear in a variety of places. For example this post on content management for my friendly readers of the Newburyport Blog, will appear on the main page of the Newburyport Blog for a while, it will also have its own page, it will be indexed under a date (January 2008), and it will appear in 5 categories, which are easily found by readers and by search engines. All told this one page of content will appear in 8 different places, all of which, at this point, search engines seem perfectly happy with.

And as an experiment, last night after I wrote the previous post on Search Engine Optimization, I put “Newburyport, Search Engine Optimization” in Google, and within an hour the post was indexed (showed up) and was in 2nd place on Google.

Not bad.

Especially since “Search Engine Optimization” is one tough word to show up for on search engines. So it appeared that last night the content management system (CMA) of WordPress was working pretty well.

Mary Eaton

Search Engine Optimization, SEO and the Newburyport Blog

One of the things that I have learned over the last 2 years writing the Newburyport Blog, is how to make the Newburyport Blog turn up high, or sometimes #1 on search engines (Search Engine Optimization, SEO), Google in particular, without spending any money on very expensive ad campaigns.

I know many of my readers are in business and have websites, so I thought I would pass on a little of what I have discovered.

Search engines, at this point, seem to love blog software. A blog seems to be much more easily indexed (shows up) on search engines than a regular website.

A blog might not be your ideal landing page (the place where people find you), but if you want to, it’s pretty easy to direct the web surfer to exactly where you want them to go. (Have the link and the information right at the top of the page.)

Also, blog software can be “tweaked” in all sorts of ways, and doesn’t have to look like blog software at all. Take our very own Newburyport Preservation Trust “Events” page.

A great company in Newburyport, MA (I’ve discovered a lot of great small companies in Newburyport, since starting the Newburyport Blog) called iMarc has this to say, “White hat SEO is simple. Write good content. Make it readable for humans. Google will reward you — slowly, but surely.”

Amen to that.

The gentleman who wrote the article does mention that “synthetic blogs” might not be the best way to go. And, yup, I would agree, fake blogs, not a good idea. But a blog software that is connected to your website in an organic way, gives the reader valuable and interesting information on your topic or product, and is updated on a regular basis, can be a huge asset.

And one of the things that I discovered today, is that the Newburyport Blog weirdly (since the Newburyport Blog is not a business) turned up #1 on Google for “Newburyport Business.” Who knew. Not moi.

And very probably the Newburyport Blog might not show up on Google as #1 for “Newburyport Business” tomorrow. Ah, the vagaries of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Mary Eaton

High-End Homogenization, How High

As I mentioned in the previous post, I’ve been reading a fascinating book by Dana Thomas, called “Deluxe, How Luxury Lost Its Luster,” how high end luxury brands, have become globalized, ” and “lost their luster,” and available to the “masses.”

The book “Deluxe,” explains how high-end luxury retail would now be available to developers like New England Development, Mr. Karp, whereas in earlier decades, that would not have been a choice that would have been obtainable.

(As a btw, Tom Salemi on his blog Newburyport Posts has a good list of articles and references to Stephen Karp.)

And the book also explains why “luxury” brands now have the possibility of being an emphasis in retail, whereas it would not have been possible a decade ago.

I was taking a look at the website of one of New England Development’s recent, in the works projects, “Wisconsin Place,” a mixed-use, lifestyle center in Chevy Chase, MD. Chevy Chase, MD is described as “one of the region’s most affluent and discriminating neighborhoods, “synonymous with well-heeled affluence.” And the project does include “a cluster” of very high-end retailers, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Tiffany & Co and Bloomingdale’s.

This appears to be a different emphasis from the retail in the CambridgeSide Galleria, across the river from Boston, one of New England Development’s earlier projects. The retail there, having more what I think of as traditional mall stores, Best Buy, Macy’s, Sears, etc.

I’m not sure what this all means. It’s hard to imagine that we would see Tiffany & Co in Newburyport, MA. Would Newburyport ever be synonymous with that kind of “well-heeled affluence?” Difficult for me to imagine.

Not an emphasis apparently on the low to mid-market. But what the “high-end” of high-end homogenization would it be? For New England Development, is Newburyport a “diamond in the rough,” or do we all ready have enough innate glitter and only need a little “buffing” here and there.

Mary Eaton

Five Star Marina

I think I am now going to assume (and try to accept, because it all seems to be out of our, Newburyport’s, control) that what is going to happen to our small New England City is high-end homogenization.

A friend of mine, who loves historic preservation, recommended a fascinating book by Dana Thomas, called “Deluxe,” how high end luxury brands, Gucci for example, have become globalized,” and “lost their luster,” and have become available to the “masses.”

All of this would mean that high-end luxury retail would now be available to developers like New England Development, whereas in earlier decades, that would not have been a choice that would have been available.

In an article in the Newburyport Daily News, January 11, 2008, that Tom Salemi also talks about on Newburyport Posts, Newburyport City Council Larry McCavitt had some reservations about the reconfiguring of Hilton Marina, which is owned by New England Development.

“‘We are basically trying to construct a five-star marina in downtown Newburyport,” Frangipane said.” (Butch Frangipane, marina manager for Stephen Karp)

“… (Larry) McCavitt, who said everyone has been asking what is going to happen, said this marina plan is the start.

“This is an incremental development of this area that is supposed to be a comprehensive plan,” McCavitt said.” (Newburyport Daily News, January 11, 2008, by Stephen Tait)

And I would agree with Councilor McCavitt that the marinas are a logical place for New England Development to start.

And I checked out Newburyport Waterside Marinas and one of the interesting things is, that although it is not included on the home page of the site, on most of the remaining pages “Nantucket Boat Basin” is one of the prominent links.

“At Nantucket Boat Basin, we provide you with the highest quality marina services from the moment you arrive until the time you depart. Our 240-slip, full-service marina caters to some of the world’s most discerning travelers. The Boat Basin is just two blocks from Nantucket Town, a charming, historic seaport with fascinating shops, unique galleries and world class restaurants.”

This is the copy on the website of the home page for Nantucket Boat Basin. It could easily be the copy for the a five star marina to come, in Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

Mr. Karp and New England Development

In thinking about Mr. Karp, he and New England Development are the main story and the main issue that is at least lurking in the background of most Newburyporter’s brains.

And the fact that we are “powerless” over Mr. Karp, at least to me feels uncomfortable.

It feels to me that there is an absentee, non-existent person up there in the castle, and then there is the rest of us down below. And there is no indication of what would be the fate of the place that we are living in, we just know that definitely something is going to happen.

And in thinking about Mr. Karp and how people deal with our relatively “new” landlord, it seems people either trust New England Development and give them the benefit of the doubt. Or they don’t trust New England Development, and their inclination would be to “challenge” them.

But if you are a “challenger,” the frustrating thing would be that there has been little or no information from the New England Development folks, for what I think could be years now, to make a reasoned challenge with.

One could assume a “high-end homogenous” business plan. However, just how high-end that would end up being, don’t know.

So I’m trying to accept that I’m powerless over Mr. Karp, and just relax and accept whatever is coming. However, that’s a tough one, and it feels like a real loss. Because I’ve always felt that if a Newburyport resident paid attention and got involved, that they could make a real difference and contribution to our community. But now, I’m not so sure.

But lately I’ve been thinking to myself, well, with everything going on in the economy, and possible economic uncertainly in the future, that Newburyport might be lucky to have a billionaire who owns so much of Newburyport, MA, that could provide a cushion in difficult financial times.

And although I might not want “high-end homogenization” for my home town, at least I am pretty sure that Mr. Karp would do his best to make whatever happens “attractive.” And I do get the feeling that his intentions are to “do right” by Newburyport, MA. It’s just whether New England Development’s definition of “do right” would coincide with what residents feel would be a good definition of “do right.”

And maybe the worst scenario would be in a bad economy, for Mr. Karp to sell some or all of that very key property downtown and along the waterfront to someone who really doesn’t have any good intentions towards Newburyport, MA at all.

It just appears to be more and more of a long wait and see situation.

Mary Eaton

To Chain Store or Not

To chain store or not to chain store (a conversation that has been taking place on Tom Salemi’s Blog, Newburyport Posts) would really not be the question for me. The question for me, in actuality, would be about the underlying concern in the community about Mr. Karp and New England Development.

After reading Stephen Tait’s series of articles about Mr. Karp, New England Development, Nantucket and Newburyport (a must read) in the Newburyport Daily News, December 2007, I ended up thinking, “What’s the use?” “What does it matter?”

Newburyport, MA might be lucky if we got a “tweak” in the plans. But my guess, based on that excellent piece of reporting on Mr. Tait’s part, that New England Development and Mr. Karp would do what ever they want, and there is very little, as long as the zoning requirements are within reason, that the residents or political folks could do.


How depressing.

So the “Chain Store Ordinance” could in someway, be a statement of rebellion. It could be a statement of a desire to be able to control some of the destiny, on some small level of Newburyport, MA. Not to leave it completely up to a large corporation, where Newburyport, it appears, could be just another jewel in New England Development’s crown.

It is could not only be about what would be best economically for Newburyport, MA, but it could also be a statement that Newburyport, MA belongs to us.

And I ask myself, what do we as residence of Newburyport have control over, if not the fate of our own downtown.

And 2 of the things that come to mind are the fate of Newburyport’s senior population (if we are lucky, we too might eventually become part of a senior population) and a vibrant and welcoming Senior Center, and the fate of our children’s education.

Mary Eaton

Too Mush and Much Snow

I ask the young lady on the other end of the phone, who has been unbelievably patient with me, if she is in “snow hell.”

She replies that yes, her office is in Boston, and she is in “snow hell.” And that she has had a “snow hell” commute.

I reply that I too am in “snow hell.”

We immediately bond. Which is a very good thing, because the transaction (not due to either of our “expertise” in the matter) takes like forever.

I try to pretend that I am in “snow denial.” But this appears to be impossible. The snow reality is just too obvious.

The minute I find out that our last remaining hardware store in Newburyport, MA gets yet another order of salt in (I’ve missed all the others), I rush over and hoard bags of salt madly. (Apparently I am not alone, since each order apparently disappears in sometimes under an hour.)

My balance, on the slippery stuff, quite frankly, “stinks.” (I was going to use a stronger word, but I decide not to.)

I look skeptically at the icicles forming off my roof. I used my roof rake so this is not supposed to happen. However, it is. I look around at my neighbor’s dwellings and everyone has dagger like icicles hanging from somewhere. We are all in icicle land together.

This is somehow comforting.

The owner of the hardware store (this is why I love my small New England city, because of things like conversing with the hardware store owner) says the same thing. He has a hardware store, and it looks like even he could be in “snow hell” (although he would never admit such a thing). That we are all in this together.

This is very reassuring as I carry my hoarded bags of salt out to my automobile, and everyone at the hardware store seems to think that this is perfectly normal.

Mary Eaton

Charming New England Winters

Winter in New England is often described as “charming.”

This winter scene from c. 1860 of Green Street from the Newburyport Archives would certainly be considered “charming.”

Green Street c. 1860
Courtesy Newburyport Archival Center
Newburyport Public Library

And this beautiful detail of the same photograph. The church in the background I believe is the church on Green Street that has been made into a restaurant.

Detail, Green Street c. 1860
Courtesy of the Newburyport Archival Center
Newburyport Public Library

Ah, but so often the realities in Newburyport MA look and feel much more like this:

A winter storm

Stephen Tait in the Newburyport Daily News wrote, what in my mind was a fairly “scary” article on what Mr. Karp and the “super-wealthy” have done to Nantucket. (After reading Mr. Tait’s article, “High-End Homogenization” to me seems “quaint.”)

“… it (Nantucket) has lost its innocence..” “I think Karp is going the wrong direction. He wants everything to be upscale and sophisticated…”

“…the island attracting the wealthy, the middle and upper middle class families are no longer traveling to the island for vacation because it is too expensive…”

“.. the super rich don’t necessarily add to the local economy since they fly in their own chefs, their own staff and host parties at their residences…” (Newburyport Daily News, December 17, 2007, by Stephen Tait. Read the whole thing. In fact, it’s a “must read”.)

And the charm of Newburyport, which attracts and has attracted so many, may well be only for a chosen few. And in my mind that would wipe out the “charming” image of Green Street, and replace it with the image of the winter storm.


Newburyport, E. Ross Carriage Work

The lone horse and buggy in the photo of the Chain Bridge (see earlier entry) sent me searching in the Archives of the Newburyport Public Library.

And I found this wonderful (and warm) photograph of E. Ross Carriage Work.


E. Ross Carriage Work
Courtesy of the Newburyport Archival Center
Newburyport Public Library

It also goes back to my thoughts about the different mix of people and places that added color, interest and vibrancy to Newburyport, MA. I am thinking, once again, of New England Development, Mr. Karp and “High-End Homogenization.”

The Newburyport Daily News has an excellent story today, December 17, 2007, by Stephen Tait, about the possible future of Newburyport, MA, judging by how Nantucket, another one of Mr. Karp’s outposts, has evolved.

“Whitey Wilauer, the chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said he often hears complaints from retailers, mostly regarding the ever-rising rents.

“He (Karp) is very sophisticated in his approach,” he said. “He has a staff down here, and they are looking at each property and trying to determine if they are profitable or not profitable. He is trying to bring profitable outfits into the town. That’s what happens when you have investors to please; the actual cultural aspects aren’t paid much attention to…” 

“They just have that attitude that they don’t care: either pay it or they’ll find somebody else who can,” Brownell said…” (Newburyport Daily News, December 17, 2007, by Stephen Tait)

And here is a close up of the group of men standing in front of Mr. Ross’ establishment.


Detail, E. Ross Carriage Work
Newburyport Archival Center
Courtesy of the Newburyport Public Library

One of the things I also love about this photograph is the advertising on the roofs. Obviously an era long before modern billboards.

What an ingenious way to market a product. I’ve seen “advertisements” painted on existing brick walls, and on brick walls in old photographs of Newburyport, MA. But this is the first time I’ve ever noticed advertising on roofs.


Detail, Roofs
E. Ross Carriage Work
Courtesy of the Newburyport Archival Center
Newburyport Public Library

(And the fact the roofs are snow and ice free, today, December 17, 2007, is also quite enjoyable.)

Mary Eaton

Holiday Photographs

Ben Laing was an early contributor to the Newburyport Blog and has always been wonderfully supportive. And I appreciate that so much. Among other things Ben is currently a photographer for the Newburyport Daily News.

Ben took a wonderful photograph which he graciously allowed the Newburyport Blog to use, and I’ve been trying to figure out how best to utilize it all this time.

With all the rain in Newburyport last night and all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this photograph of Market Square in downtown Newburyport seems incredibly appropriate.

Benjamin Laing © 2006
Image courtesy of Benjamin Laing Photography

Ben also took this wonderful photograph of the Firehouse Center for the Arts. Although it has been used before on the Newburyport Blog, it is also seems wonderfully appropriate for this holiday season.

Benjamin Laing © 2006
Christmas at the Firehouse
Image courtesy of Benjamin Laing Photography

Many thanks to Ben Laing and Benjamin Laing Photography.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport’s Master Plan

One of my frustrations, although it is interesting, is that there seems to be a pattern, that with new influx of folks, that there is often a push for the goals for Newburyport to change.

One of the things I like about the Newburyport Master Plan is it’s supposed to be a long term guide that was developed in a super-duper democratic process. And to repeat myself (see previous post), folks like John Moak, Ann Lagasse and Jim Stiles contributed to the Master Plan’s existence. And it was voted on by the Newburyport City Council to boot.

One of the things the Master Plan assumes is that Newburyport’s Central Waterfront would be mostly park, and that parking would be found somewhere else.

I understand Mayor John Moak’s frustration of wanting to get the parking thing done once and for all. But aside from the fact that it goes against all the surveys from the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority since 2000, it also goes against the tenet of the Newburyport Master Plan.

And all this chit chat about having more development down on the Central Waterfront. Well that is addressed in the Newburyport Master Plan as well. The answer is “No.”

I hear rumblings of municipal politicians wanting to “redo” the Master Plan.

Yes, the Newburyport Master Plan is a “living document.” And I do understand that folks who have moved here since 2001 might not be aware of the Newburyport Master Plan.

But, good grief, can’t we make up our mind to stick with a decision/guide and just get on with it?

It may not be perfect. Nothing is perfect. But if we as a city want to change our municipal goals every 2-5 years, how frustrating and exhausting.

And maybe, it could be a good idea to trust the judgment and the wisdom of a huge diverse number of folks who came up with the Newburyport Master Plan, even though everyone might not agree with everything that could be in there. That document is as close to a consensus as I have seen in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

For those who are really, really interested, the Newburyport Master Plan can be found at:

Mary Eaton

Newburyport Master Plan–Not High-End

When the Newburyport Master Plan was taking shape, I gotta admit that I didn’t get it, or sadly, appreciate its value to the community of Newburyport, MA.

I sure do now.

And one of the remarkable things about the Newburyport Master Plan is the wide variety of folks who contributed to it, including, among many others, Ann Lagasee, John Moak and Jim Stiles.

The Newburyport Master Plan is dated September 2001, but as I remember it, the document took a good year and a half to come together.

And one of the things that I find so interesting, as Newburyport, MA evolves, is that new influxes of folks have differing ideas. This seems to have been true ever since I moved here more than 25 years ago.

I happen to think that the Newburyport Master Plan is an incredible document, one to be used as an overall guide. And is as applicable today as it was in September 2001.

In the year 2000 when the Newburyport Master Plan was taking shape, Newburyport, MA seemed to be at a “place” where it was “balanced,” politically and in its socio-economic make up, which the Master Plan reflects.

And there were a lot of amazingly smart and thoughtful people involved in the Master Plan’s creation.

It was also pre-Karp and pre-New England Development.

Two of its “Guiding Principles” are:

Economic Vitality: “Ensure that growth is balanced and measured….”

Social Equity: “Foster and respect Newburyport’s socioeconomic diversity, giving consideration to the needs of lower-income and fixed-income residents.” (Page 7)

And on the previous page:

“The City’s traditional neighborhoods around the central core will continue to be revitalized, while preserving the diversity that makes them interesting and inviting places to live–a diversity of people as well as of physical structures.” (Page 6)

And one of the themes of the pre-Karp Newburyport Master Plan is an emphasis on economic diversity to make Newburyport “interesting and inviting.”

And when it comes to the Merrimac River itself, there is no mention of high-end marinas. Instead the emphasis is to, “Reinvigorate marine industries such as commercial fishing and boat building and repair.” (Page 28)

“High-End Homogenization” (see two previous entries) appears to be to me the antithesis of the Newburyport Master Plan.

One could argue that the values of the Master Plan would not be applicable to businesses. But I would feel that since a land-holder of New England Development’s magnitude would effect the future of Newburyport, MA physically, economically, socially and environmentally, that that it would be a good idea to take the Newburyport Master Plan into consideration, when making any economic plans for Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

Homogenization and High Street

One of the things that popped into my brain when I was thinking about Mr. Karp and “High-End Homogenization” (see previous post) was what the Massachusetts Highway Department had in mind in 1998 for High Street, our historic byway.

“Making High Street as straight and uniform as possible from one end of the city to the other.” (Citizens to Save High Street, January 1999)

And good old Microsoft Word’s definition of “homogeneous” again: “Having a uniform composition or structure.”

The idea of making High Street, with all its beauty, charm, and historic qualities, “uniform” enraged the citizens of Newburyport, MA in 1999, to the point where the city was unified in their fight for the historic roadway, the gateway to our small New England City.

Part of the outrage was that MassHighway’s plan would have wiped out part of the story of Newburyport, Massachusetts. Would have wiped out the small incremental things that had evolved over the centuries, that made High Street unique.

Wouldn’t we as citizens be equally outraged by an economic “high -end homogenization” of downtown Newburyport by yet another “outsider,” who would be imposing a business plan for Newburyport, without the input, much less the blessing of its citizens?

Yes, I realize that Mr. Karp and New England Development have paid millions of dollars for the downtown and waterfront property, so in some way “it’s out of our hands,” and “none of our business.” But, one could argue that a change to a community of that magnitude, would be very much “our business.”

The change to downtown Newburyport appears to be happening not in one fell swoop. We could see the plans for High Street, and realize the long term implication.

The change to downtown Newburyport appears to be much more subtle, happening slowly and incrementally. My remembrance is that New England Development has always been very upfront about this approach, never saying that the development of Waterfront West (and now Waterfront East) would be done all at once, but more likely over a period of 10 years or so.

But in someway having an overall plan to see, would be much more beneficial to the citizens of Newburyport, MA, than an incremental development, where one does not have the privilege of seeing, right off the bat, a “master plan.”

But we still have the option, before it is too late, of an economic overlay for downtown Newburyport, MA. And again, it is a matter of “political will.”

Mary Eaton

High-End Homogenization

One of the readers of the Newburyport Blog sent me a fascinating email in response to the previous post and the label “vanillaization” of Newburyport by Mr. Karp and New England Development.

The phrase my reader used, was “high-end homogenization.”

Oh my. Talking about nailing it.


I looked up homogeneous in the dictionary and got this from Microsoft Word: “Having a uniform composition or structure.” And, “All of the same or similar kind or nature,” from

Thinking about our downtown, one could certainly see this trend possibly on its way.

So the issue really isn’t, in many ways, about chain stores or not to chain store, but do we as people living (not visiting) Newburyport, MA want “High-End Homogenization” dictated by Mr. Karp and New England Development?

For me arguments for non-regulation, whoever’s got the best stuff to offer floats to the surface, yada, yada, yada (yes, I’m sure that could piss a few folks off) would be quite beside the point.

To me, this could be a power and control thing over our city, the city of Newburyport, MA, with someone, some entity, with enough money to go there. Boy, I don’t know about you, but the power and control thing just doesn’t sit well with me.

An argument could be that the “High-End Homogenization” would be “classy.”

Well, there you go. “Classy.” “Class” in the old sense–money and class. “A group of people within a society who share the same social and economic status; the structure of divisions in a society determined by the social or economic grouping of its members” (Good old Microsoft Word again).

And it really, for me, doesn’t have anything to do with either being sophisticated or tacky. It has every thing to do with being exclusive. My guess would be that different but equal socio-economic groups might not be wanted here.

I think that is what BuyLocal/ is attempting to address. And since they are the only ones out there willing to take this fairly courageous stand, those who do not want the specter of “High-End Homogenization,” well, yes, it’s a matter of “political will.”

As I understand it, the thought could be that the Newburyport Planning Board might be a way to begin to address this issue. And since much of the research has already been done, I would imagine that the Newburyport Planning Board would look at this slowly and with care. We are often very lucky with the volunteer boards that we have in Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

Where is Tom Ryan

What has happened to Tom Ryan, former editor of The Undertoad?

Last year Tom Ryan, with his dog Atticus almost climbed New Hampshire’s 48, 4,000 foot peaks twice in one winter to raise money for cancer.

I remember watching Tom at a Newburyport City Council meeting after that experience was over, and thinking to myself, “The mountains have captured him.” And they had.

And there was the ultimate, “Shall I stay in Newburyport, or not stay in Newburyport” question, when Mr. Ryan threw his hat into the ring as a mayoral candidate this fall.

It sounded as if when it came to Newburyport, MA, that in the end, “all passions were spent.” And Mr. Ryan left Newburyport, MA on October 1, 2007 for the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

And this year Tom Ryan and Atticus are attempting the same feat, but this time to raise money for MSPCA-Angell, a not-for-profit organization that helps thousands of animals each year. All the money that is raised through this hiking marathon would go directly to Angell Animal Medical Center.

Tom and Atticus’ adventures can be followed on Tom and Atticus’ Blog.

I have wondered, however, having spent 11 years immersed in Newburyport politics and writing the Undertoad, if it could be difficult for Tom Ryan to let Newburyport, MA “go.”

And one of the blog entries that I have enjoyed most so far, is Mr. Ryan’s post about the bears that were outside his cabin last year, complete with photographs of bear and adorable bear cubs up in a tree:

“In my two months up north I can feel myself transforming from that life to this one. Following Thoreau’s dictum to “simplify, simplify, simplify”, I’ve found it rather easy to leave the intrigue and often rough and tumble world of political reporting and journaling behind.

So this morning I woke up thinking not about zoning issues, the latest mayoral appointment, or Steve Karp’s vanillaization of Newburyport, but of the bears.”

But even leaving Newburyport, MA behind, Tom Ryan nailed it, at least for me, in passing, “the vanillaization of Newburyport.”

And for me, that could be what so much of the chit chat on the Newburyport Blog could come down to. Desperately, and possibly futilely, trying to hold on to the color of Newburyport, MA, whether it could be it’s architecture and streetscapes, the colorful mix of people who may inhabit this town, or a distinctive downtown economic makeup.

It often feels as if Newburyport was once a delightful version of some scrumptious ice cream, and may becoming a bland vanilla version, made with skim milk.

Mary Eaton

Chain Stores, Newburyport, MA

Maybe a chain store “ban” might not be adequate phraseology. Maybe an economic overlay for downtown Newburyport that addresses negative chain store issues… possibly?

I think when some folks think of a chain store “ban,” a vision of a Walmart on the Central Waterfront could come to mind. And I don’t think anyone would want to go there. So, the thought process might be that a “ban” would not be necessary.

Buy Local/ has thought all of this through.

Tom Salemi over at the Newburyport Posts has some major doubts (as I imagine a few others do too). Check out the Newburyport Posts for Tom Salemi’s pro-chain store thoughts.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Downtown Economic Overlay

Why are the Buy Local, folks so important? Because they are fighting for the retail and economic spirit and soul of Newburyport, MA.

It is what Steven Tait wrote about in his article in the Newburyport Daily News, December 3, 2007.

“Whatever product lines they (Chico’s) bring in they are going to be in competition with existing businesses we have in town, for instance the Monkey’s Fist and the Elephant’s Trunk,” said Allyson Lawless, the founder of, the group that submitted a chain store ban ordinance to the City Council earlier this year.

Unless there is some real oversight we will lose our independent businesses by introducing chain stores like this…”

“Lawless said the concern from chain stores is that they will muscle out the small, independent stores. She said that it will also hurt the local economy. Studies show that for every dollar spent at local stores, 60 to 70 cents stays in the community, whereas with large chain stores just 11 to 15 cents stays locally, Lawless said.

She said that all the other local businesses – such as legal, financial and supply companies – will also be hurt by chain stores.

“All those people are going to be affected,” he said. “Chico’s is not going to be banking at the Institution or the Newburyport Five.”
(Newburyport Daily News, December 3, 2007, by Steven Tait)

Are we powerless over all of this? No we are not. I think that there has been some frustration that there has not been enough traction to get people focused now on some sort of economic overlay for downtown Newburyport, MA that comes from the people via our own municipal agents.

As things stand, the economic overlay for Newburyport, MA appears to be being fostered by New England Development. Is this what we as citizens and residence of Newburyport, MA would like?

Some would be quite happy with that particular overview. But I know for a fact, that a whole lot of folks would not. But if those folks don’t get their rear into gear now, well, who knows.

And if you are one of those folks who wants desperately to get their rear into gear and do not know where to start, by all means contact the Buy Local folks, As far as I understand it, everything is good to go. It’s just a matter of “political will.”

Mary Eaton