Category Archives: Business

Business in Newburyport, MA

Newburyport, Economics and Power

Sometimes I think I am my own worst enemy.

Lots of folks read the Newburyport Blog, but my guess would be that if I went and looked for advertisers, almost every business would feel the Newburyport Blog would be too “controversial.”

In fact, I’ve been told that, the too controversial thing, by a couple of folks that I’ve approached. Apparently, the Newburyport Blog would be too hot to handle.


I look at the three previous posts, and think, for some reason, I just can’t help myself. It’s in my nature. Why can’t I just shut up and play along?

A “friend” said to me, if I “cooperated” (it wasn’t quite like that) that I would become powerful and sell lots of paintings.

Another sigh.

The Newburyport Blog has never been about “power.” That’s just never been my “shtik.”

And to have a billionaire, who not only does not live here, and has not bothered to pay (well once, I think) any attention, in person, to Newburyport, MA–just a real estate holding– shape our destiny, drives me (and lots of other folks) nuts.

If I was smart, like my “friend” said, I’d shut up and “smooze” with Mr. Karp and company and whoever, and make some dough.

The fact that I do not, is either one of my most major short comings, or one of my better assets. I’ll probably never have a clue.

However, I would be intrigued to meet the gentleman. And find out what he is like as a human being. That would fascinate me a whole lot.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Spirit and Soul

I remember when Atkinson Lumber was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lagasse. It was beautifully restored. But any number of folks said to me, “It’s almost too nice.”

And what did they mean by that? Atkinson Lumber was a wonderful, space, that was available to all economic groups. There was something about the unfinished wood floors and the hustle and bustle of the place that always drew me in, and would be one of my favorite places to go in Newburyport, MA.

I rarely, if ever, set foot in the restored version of the Atkinson building.

I thought the Atkinson building restoration would be an anomaly. I couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to do away with the spirit and soul of a place.

But the high-end business plan for the Atkinson building seems to be holding true, whether it would be Mr. and Mrs. Lagasse or New England Development.

And the high-end spa that is coming, may come, or has come to town, slated for 1 Merrimac Street… 1 Merrimac Street to my knowledge is not owned by New England Development, but in someway it doesn’t matter. New England Development is setting and has set the tone for retail in Newburyport, MA.

I’ve been thinking why this whole Chico’s thing, the shoe shop on State and Middle Street thing, and the luxury high-end spa thing makes me so cranky.

It seems as if Newburyport is being turned, quickly, into just the sort of place I never wanted to live in.

One of the reason’s I’ve loved living here all these years is the wonderful and often eccentric mix of people. But a different socio-economic mix and often eccentric mix of folks, possibly not so good for a high-end business plan.

Possibly good for some high-end folks.

I often read that during the last 7 years, that there has been a steady divide in the wealthy and the less wealthy. And what if Newburyport ends up epitomizing that very thing?

Looking at New England Development’s website, it doesn’t outright say so, but if feels as if it could be very much implied, that Newburyport, MA is an already a ready-build, “life-style” center, with “Fifty top retail properties in downtown Newburyport and along the waterfront,” just waiting to be filled.

I can understand the folks who went through those terrible, terrible years before the 1970’s Newburyport turnaround, that having the possibility of the super rich living in Newburyport, however unimaginable that could be, would be far preferable to the boarded up, wasteland Newburyport once was before urban renewal.

Newburyport’s spirit and soul were in danger then. At the brink (or beyond the brink) of Karpdom, is Newburyport’s soul and spirit in danger once again? Once due to paucity, now possibly due to extreme wealth? Polar extremes.

Mary Eaton

Possible High-End Business Plan

This is my new theory on the plan that Mr. Karp and New England Development could have in mind.

It popped into my brain when I started reading about the very high-end European spa that is coming, may come, or has come to town. (See previous post.)

Maybe I’m too Yankee cheap, but I can’t see paying that kind of money for a haircut.

Question from a friend of mine–what kind of person would use that kind of very high-end salon?

Not a lot of the folks who live in Newburyport, MA, that’s for sure (at least I think that’s for sure).

High-end tourists. Or possibly, have the high-end shops in place and then use the high-end shopping, resort feel of the “new,” life-style, Newburyport, MA, to attract very high-end buyers for very, very high-end places to either live in or to visit. Not a bad business plan, if business and not community is what one might have in mind.

Mary Eaton

High End Are Us

Oy Vey.

Chico’s chain store… good story in the Newburyport Daily News, December 3, 2007, by Steven Tait. “982 women’s specialty stores under Chico’s and other names in 48 states… it sells clothing for ‘sophisticated women.’ The store’s products are marketed toward middle-age woman…”

This is from an earlier post on the Newburyport Blog, “…New England Development (NED) is thinking of stuff like the store on Middle and State Streets—’independently owned or small-chain outfits that offer something that complements, not detracts from, the existing retail mix of downtown….'”

Obviously Chico’s doesn’t fit that description.

And someone told me of a “high-end” salon coming to Newburyport, MA. I can’t figure if the salon is up and running, it’s snowing, and I’m too lazy to go out and take a look.

The address for the new salon is 1 Merrimack Street, Newburyport, MA–supposed to have opened November 2007. It’s December 2007. The phone number that was given was not working, and I could not reach anyone at the Boston location, 11 Newbury Street.

The person who told me about this salon said that a haircut would cost $100.

(Disclaimer: I’m probably the only woman in Newburyport, MA who is not a salon person. )

$100 seemed high to me.

I found this review at

“Dress to Impress!
By Carolyn C.

Runway is a great salon if you are willing to pay approximately $100 for a simple haircut. The salon is extremely trendy with a European feel. The receptionists are extremely friendly and cater to your every need. The clients tend to be dressed to the nines for their hair appointment and that makes the scene a little intimidating.
Although it is extremely expensive, this salon is truly a luxurious treat! Just make sure you are dressed to impress when you go in….”

(There were more reviews along that line.)


“Always a fashion leader, Runway Salon is the only true European salon in Boston. Recently featured on TLC’s “A Makeover Story”…”

High-end is Ok. But only high-end, not so good in my book.


I have no idea (not being a salon person) if this salon would be the sort of business that “complements, not detracts from, the existing retail mix of downtown.”

Mary Eaton

Another Chain Store Coming to Newburyport, MA

Donna O’Neil from the Newburyport Current is correct (Newburyport Current, November 30, 2007). Chico’s apparently is coming to Newburyport, MA.


“Store Manager & Store Team-Chico’s-19 Water Street, Newbur” (I’m assuming Newburyport, since it’s listed as Newburyport on other job finder websites.)

“Opening, March 2008”

Also from

Company Overview:

“Chico’s FAS Inc., which is a group of 4 divisions, is a specialty retailer of private label, sophisticated, casual-to-dressy clothing, intimates, complementary accessories and other non-clothing gift items. The Company operates 847 women’s specialty stores, including stores in 47 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico operating under the Chico’s, White House|Black Market, soma by Chico’s, and Fitigues names. From our exclusive, private-label designs to our exceptional personal service, our divisions provide a truly unique retail environment. When you walk into any of our stores, you can depend upon the sales staff to coordinate, accessorize, and help you build a wardrobe to suit your needs. All our products are designed and developed by our Product Development Team in our Headquarters in Fort Myers, Florida which enables us to provide you with new styles every week.”

From what I can make out from, 19 Water Street is owned by New England Development.

Actually, on the deed it says Newburyport Manager LLC TRS, with a contact for Bruce M. Herman. But since Newburyport Manager LLC owns property all over downtown Newburyport, and there is a Bruce M. Herman who is the Controller, Executive Vice President at New England Development, I am assuming that we would be talking about New England Development and Mr. Karp.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport’s Central Waterfront

I gotta say that it’s great fun taking a computer break and then being able to check out Tom Salemi’s blog, Newburyport Posts. I get a big kick out of it.

Newburyport Posts has been discussing the possibility of not having a park/parking on the Central Waterfront but mixed-use building.


Some history here. The fight for an Open Waterfront and not a hotel was fierce and ended up in court. And I can’t sight particular sources here, but it is my remembrance that Mr. Foster paid a fortune fighting that legal battle, eventual losing, and during the recession of the early 1990’s the Lagasses bought up much of what Roger Foster owned downtown, shall we say, for a “fair price.”

The 2 questionnaires that went out did not include the option of mixed-use building, i.e. retail and residential space, but it was all about a hotel or an open waterfront. (Folks please feel free to email me with clarifications on all of this very complicated, decades, long history.) (Please see Editor’s note at the bottom of the post.)

It is my own humble opinion that way back whenever that was, that was the time to discuss other options, not now.

I have a vague memory (again clarification may be needed) that when Nick Cracknell was Newburyport Planning Director, it was thought that from a city planning point of view, that mix-used on the Central Waterfront could make long-range sense.

However, to do something of that magnitude, would take incredible political will, complete consensus (good luck on that one, it’s only been how many decades now?), and a consistency in the corner office and in the Newburyport Planning Office (again, could be unlikely).

This would be my guess–that if the chit-chat of mixed-use on the Central Waterfront actually gets some traction, we could see the Moak parking folks and the pro-Open Waterfront folks come to an agreement lightening fast, and together fight like crazy against a mixed-use concept.

And I would be correct on my prediction (please press here for earlier post) that the Central Waterfront would never be completed in my lifetime.

At the moment, as it stands, I could actually lose that bet with myself. Because it looks like a meeting of the minds, a consensus, could actually be a possibility.

(And don’t forget all the folks who want a senior center on the Central Waterfront as well.)

And just for argument’s sake, it would be my feeling that having open space in that area, would be very much of an economic booster. This is not just any vista, but a chance to get a gander at the mouth of the mighty Merrimac River, with all its power, its beauty, its strength, its drama and its sense of hope and possibility, churning its way to the vast Atlantic Ocean.

There are not many such panoramas. And this one certainly consciously and/or unconsciously gives hope to my soul, and is one of the reasons that I like to live here so much. And I would imagine that concept could be applicable to other souls as well.

Mary Eaton

Editor’s Note: Corrections and clarifications can be found on a later entry. Please press here to see that post.

I’ve used the phrase “Central Waterfront” to reference the two NRA waterfront lots. The “Waterfront” or “Waterfront West” and “Waterfront East” would be the property owned by Mr. Karp and New England Development. The “Waterfront” is also often used to describe the whole “shebang” down there along the might mouth of the Merrimac River.

A Win-Win on the Newburyport City Council Floor

The mood on the Newburyport City Council floor on Monday night October 29, 2007 was, I would say, jovial from the get go– the night that the Fruit Street Local Historic District came up for its final vote.

Often when major decisions are made, the mood on the Newburyport City Council floor could sometimes be tense. On the night the vote for the special election for the Newburyport school override, it felt as if the whole place could be on edge.

But not last night. Last night was a whole different story.

During the “Public Comment” period, a lot of folks spoke on behalf of the Fruit Street Local Historic District, and not the usually faces. And sometimes, for me, the “Public Comment” period is not my favorite part to watch. It often feels painful.

But not last night.

The Newburyport City Council seemed to be genuinely moved by the folks that spoke during the “Public Comment” period.

Karen Battles of the Newburyport Preservation Trust had this to say:

“One of the delights of living here is walking through neighborhood after neighborhood of historic homes. Maybe because we are surrounded by it everyday, we don’t grasp how unbelievably rare this is in this day and age. As more and more places become cookie-cutter subdivisions and the same franchise appears every other block, the authentic becomes more and more valuable. We are the currents stewards of Newburyport, we have not only the right, but the obligation to protect our resources.” (Used with permission)

There was also a great deal of laughter and kidding around. This is not always the case.

And when it came to the vote on the Newburyport City Council floor, Newburyport City Councilor James Shanley spoke most eloquently. And you could almost hear people holding their breath as Richard Jones, the Newburyport City Clerk, called the roll.

And when the vote was not only in favor of the Fruit Street Local Historic District, but was unanimous, applause and cheers spontaneously broke out. A lot of jumping up and down with sheer relief and joy.

This is an example of a project that has taken decades to come about. And the actual creation of the Newburyport Fruit Street Local Historic District took a lot of time (2 years), with a great deal of public input and public process. There were no shortcuts here. And, from what I observed, there was also a great deal of dialogue with the Newburyport City Council and the Mayor as well.

And this combination of productive public process and constructive public dialogue made for a win-win situation, instead of public divisiveness that could occur over a variety of issues.

This whole process is an incredible example of how to get positive things accomplished on the municipal level. And again a big congratulations to everyone involved.

And again (see previous post) this Newburyport City Council 2006-2007 has come so far in working together and working for the good of the citizens of Newburyport, MA, and I am so proud of them. And not to repeat myself, but to repeat myself, I cannot fathom why anyone would say that that would not be so.

Mary Eaton

Corporate Conglomerate and Local Blogs and Blogging

Probably one of my favorite blogs is not a media blog at all, but a blog about how bloggers could have better blogs called “Problogger.” I am hardly alone in my sentiments about “Problogger.” I think it is one of the best resources, and one of the most popular blogs on the World Wide Web, for those folks interested in making their blogging “better.”

(Problogger has recently changed its “look.” It was an “average” looking blog. But recently, it has gone to what I call “the next blog level.” Going from a “familiar” and “comfortable” format, to one that looks, feels and sounds more “professional.” I happen to like the old “comfortable” format better. But that’s just me.)

When I started the Newburyport Blog almost 2 years ago, I also wanted to start a “national” blog. However, having read “Problogger,” I realized that the “national blog” “niche” was already really full, and that I most probably would have little or no fresh insights to offer any audience. So that one was out.

It did, however, dawn on me that no one appeared to be writing “local blogs,” and there would be a real “niche” for writing a blog about Newburyport, Massachusetts. I also happen to love the place, as anyone reading the Newburyport Blog could probably attest to, and found that I also not only really enjoyed blogging about Newburyport, MA, but also learned a whole lot about the city in the process.

And I wanted to put “Adsense” in the Newburyport Blog. And early in 2006 I could not find anyone who knew about blogging software, who could help me. In fact, the reaction that I got over and over again was, “Why in the world would you want to do that” (ie blogging about Newburyport, MA, or blogging period).

So out of necessity I became a “blogging nerd.” I taught myself all about blogging software. How to write it, tweak it and put just about anything I wanted to put into it. Who knew I had a “software engineering” gene within me? Not moi. And it’s turned out to be one of the “perks” of doing the Newburyport Blog. I am fascinated by that whole aspect of it.

And a local blog was such a “small” niche back then, that unfortunately it was difficult to find directories in which to place the Newburyport Blog. Oh, well.

Much to my “delight,” about 6-8 weeks ago I started to find directories that were featuring “local” blogs. “Eureka.” I said to myself, “Finally folks are beginning to get onto the ‘local blog’ bandwagon. ”

When I checked out the local blog directories, there did appear to a few “local independent” blogs, but many of them appeared to be associated with one particular news organization.

I said to myself, “Oh, well. Who cares. At least now I have some company. And no one is going to ask me, ‘Why would you even think of doing that.’ ”

How completely trusting and naïve of me.

But how could I have known that a large media conglomerate would decide to launch 158 “hyperlocal” sites.

And I fear that the Newburyport Blog, a labor of love, could be completely swamped by a tsunami of large corporate money, and all that it could buy. And the new genuine, fledgling “local,” “independent” blogs which have the potential of really offering the community of Newburyport something of “value,” especially if they are “niche” blogs, could be drowned in this wave of corporate internet interest as well.

Mary Eaton

A Local Blog Mystery

At the very beginning of the month of October, I got a call from one of the local newspapers asking me what did I think of “all the blogs?”

Needless to say I was somewhat confused, a sentiment that I think I expressed to the person calling from the paper. Note: I’ve always tried to have a good to great relationship with printed media since the Newburyport Blog began almost 2 years ago on January 1, 2006, and I like them a great deal. I was somewhat baffled by the question, and could not imagine what the person could have in mind.

The end story made reference to 7 “blogs.” One blog that had not been updated for almost a year, one site that is not a blog, one site that is a forum (not a blog), 3 brand new blogs and me.

(I told the interviewer when they called that, “For goodness sakes I’m ‘the old lady of blogging.’ ” And then I remember saying, “Oh my goodness, please don’t call me that. Don’t even call me the “middle aged lady of blogging.’ ” And they graciously did not.)

When the article came out, I was no more enlightened about the whole situation than I was during the “phone interview.” Still mighty confused here.

And then Friday (October 26, 2007), maybe, possibly an answer. It was another “local” paper, owned by a “conglomerate” that is out of Fairport, NY– 158 new “hyperlocal sites” (new Internet buzz word). It also has 86 daily publications, across 19 states and a local readership of more than 10 million per week. It is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.


(Remember the entry on our “local” banks, how they are not “financial conglomerates” traded on the stock exchange, but are really and truly “local” banks. (Please press here to read that entry.)

So maybe, could be, possibly, this is the mystery, the somewhat bewildering basis for me, of why all of a sudden, there was an article on “local blogs?” (I have not verified this.) A paper-conglomerate, has gone into super-duper, Internet “blog overdrive.” (These are the folks that were using the name “The Newburyport Blog,” until all of that got sorted out.)

Another, good grief.

I am going to digress here for a moment.

One of the things that I have been doing since 2004 is work as one of over 75,000 editors for the “Open Directory Project,” (DMOZ), an online “human-edited” directory, which is owned by Netscape and used by Google. I’ve seen my share of websites, etc. over the years. And what I have learned, among other things, is that it is a good idea for a blog to be “up” and undetected for about 3 months or so, so that a blogger could begin to find their voice, see if a blog is worth reading on a regular basis, and see if a blog actually has staying power.

I was lucky and started an obscure blog about 3 months before starting the Newburyport Blog, and got to find my “blogging feet,” without anyone much reading it. And I learned a whole lot in those early 3 months. And I sure am grateful to have been able to blog in virtual obscurity, because I made a whole lot of weird blogging mistakes (and yes, occasionally, still do).

And we have 4 promising, new, actual “local” and “independent” blogs (none that I know of, are being traded on the New York Stock Exchange :-). And I would like to see them all get their “blogging sea-legs,” so to speak, before being exposed to the sometimes cruel and uncivil world of the blogosphere.

Mary Eaton

Confessions of a Painter

Bear with me here. “Confessions of a Painter” doesn’t sound like it would have much to do with Newburyport, MA, but I’ll get around to that, I promise.

Discloser: I happen to be a painter.

Discloser: I have this “love-hate” relationship with PhotoShop.

PhotoShop (and similar commuter software applications) changed painting (Ok, that’s my opinion).

When I first discovered PhotoShop I was absolutely fascinated by it. I still am. Things that would literally take me years to do as a painter, could almost be done instantaneously in PhotoShop.

Someone, anyone could take a digital photograph, manipulate it in PhotoShop to look like a painting, print it on a canvas and sell it for a fraction of the price that I would sell my paintings for. And it would take a fraction of the time.

This in is the discouraged part of my “love-hate” relationship with PhotoShop.

And what is lost in this way of doing things, is the understanding and gradual knowledge that comes from the long and often tedious process and the creative journey of bringing a painting into existence. As well as the feeling of “power” and “intensity” that a painting transmits compared to something that is more like a “print.”

PhotoShop could also give a sense of “instant gratification.”

It feels as if “short sound bites,” “instant gratification” could become a way of life; as well as a possible identification with pop icons, or “interchangeable entities” that large corporations often provide, instead of longing for a “deeper” culture.

A hotel room in California could be identical to one in Massachusetts. Why bother to go to a different “culture” if so much of the culture could be interchangeable.

And that is why I think it is so important to take long hard looks at what is, could, might happen to Newburyport, MA. That we stay a distinct “community,” with a distinct sense of place, with a distinct “local” ambiance. That we don’t become yet one more bland, interchangeable, faceless place to be in America.

We have so much to offer in Newburyport, MA. And we are in a vortex of change, just like so many other communities in the USA. And we have choices that we can make. And I so desperately do not want to lose that sense of community that is here, that makes Newburyport such a wonderful place to visit, live, work and play.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Local Community Banks

One of the things that has puzzled me is the response I often get from people who “recently” moved here, or who recently bought property here, about the 2 local banks in our small New England city.

The reactions could be anywhere from, “Are they real?” to “Why would any bank do banking that way?” to “If they only did x, y or z they would be making so much more money.”

My response, after a brief moment of saying to myself, “Say what?” is that not only are they real (I send folks in to look at the gorgeous interior of the Institution for Savings, for example), but that also we as a city are so incredibly lucky to have them.

Huge disclaimer: I know absolutely “zip” about banking. Anything I might have learned in the course of my research for this post comes mainly from “Wikipedia.” And yes, I can actually hear the sound of eyes quite rightly rolling, and the groans of the various versions of “say what?”

Neophyte blogger on banking. Yes, good grief.

My vast knowledge on banking from Wikipedia:

Our local community banks are “mutual savings” banks not “commercial” banks or “financial conglomerates.” Bank of America or Citigroup according to good old Wikipedia, would be examples of a “financial conglomerate.” defines a “mutual bank” as “A state-chartered savings bank owned by its depositors and managed by a board of trustees.” Or my definition of a “community bank”.

My neophyte understanding of this is that the term “mutual” is the opposite of “non-mutual.” A non-mutual company is a company “whose shares can be traded on the stock market.” (Again, my old friend Wikipedia.) Or in my book, a “faceless” corporation” and not a community” bank.

What does this all have to do with anything you might quite rightly ask.

For me the fact that Newburyport has community banks is huge and plays a big part in Newburyport, MA being a “community.”

I don’t imagine that most people would know what the president of Citigroup would look like, much less be able to say “Hi” on the street to that individual. Saying “Hi” to bank presidents on the street happens all the time in Newburyport, MA.

And in Newburyport, MA I’ve actually wandered into the office of bank presidents on several occasions, without an appointment, to say the most “trivial” of things.

I don’t imagine that during a blizzard the president of a “financial conglomerate” would come to check to see if a person is Ok. But, here in Newburyport, MA, this happens.

I don’t imagine that the president of a “financial conglomerate” when he hears that a child who has been in the hospital and that child has come home, would rush down the street to give the child’s parents a huge bear hug of relief. But here Newburyport, MA, this happens.

The people of Newburyport are not faceless numbers, dealt with by machines. They are human beings that are treated with dignity, individuality, empathy and respect by our local banks.

And for me, this is “priceless.”

Mary Eaton

Real Estate and The Bottom Line

Someone playing “devil’s advocate” (this works for me) said that they thought there would be very little difference between Mr. Karp owning much of downtown Newburyport, MA and someone like David Hall who also owns a great deal of property in our small New England city.

For me, the difference would be vast.

David Hall is “on the ground” and “walking among us.” (Please press here to read earlier entry on David Hall).

Mr. Hall has done incredible things for our community, like raising the money and being the chair-person to see that the skateboard park (which is really amazing) at the Nock Middle School got built. This is a huge accomplishment.

Mr. Hall did this by contacting and connecting with “all and everyone” in the community to raise money to get this remarkable project completed.

And that’s just one of the many things that he has done and is doing for our community. David Hall’s involvement with the Rail Trail, a long and lengthy process, would be another amazing example.

And David Hall was also one of the first if not the first to go solar and green. And it must be to his total delight that finally “going green” has become popular, if not just downright “politically correct.” This is a man way ahead of his time.

And David Hall is physically part of the community. He is part of our “everyday trivial” lives (please see previous post). He and his family can be found at the pharmacy, doing errands around town, at the checkout line at the local supermarket. He is enmeshed in our community, our neighborhood, our town and our lives.

When the Lagasses owned much of downtown, I think people had a trust level, because they were/are one of us. And the fact that they are on the ground leasing the retail properties owned by Mr. Karp and New England Development (NED) is a relief.

However, a huge corporate entity owns so much of where we exist. (Please press here to see NED’s website). And I think that is what is so unsettling to me and to so many folks in Newburyport, MA.

Looking at NED’s website, Newburyport is just one of many projects. And yes, to reiterate, Mr. Karp may indeed be a “benevolent” landlord, but the bottom line is making money. (And that is his right, he bought all that property.)

But that is very different for me, than the bottom line being “what is best for the community on all socio-economic levels.”

I know that David Hall knows the folks in Newburyport, MA, and it is not all about the bottom line of “making money.” That there are many times, that no one knows about, that Mr. Hall has committed random acts of kindness and empathy, because, in my experience, that is who is he is. And he is viscerally connected to the community of Newburyport, MA in a way that Mr. Karp, unless he moves to Newburyport, MA (which I would imagine be unlikely) could never, ever be.

Mary Eaton

(Editor’s note: Here are two related and very helpful links for the Newburyport Rail Trail. The Coastal Trail Coalition and The Essex National Heritage Commission.)

New England Development and Downtown Newburyport

“Most of it is ostensibly utterly trivial, but the sum is not trivial at all. The sum of such casual, public contact at the local level. . . most of it fortuitous, most of it associated with errands . . . is a feeling for the public identity of people, a web of public respect and trust, and a resource in time of personal or neighborhood need. The absence of this trust is a disaster to a city street.”

“The Death and Life of Great American Cities”, by Jane Jacobs from the website of

It’s Mr. Karp again.

I had an email conversation with an elected official who met with Ann Lagasse recently. What I took away from my email conversation would be something that many folks could be happy seeing develop in Newburyport, MA.

Basically that New England Development (NED) is thinking of stuff like the store on Middle and State Streets– “independently owned or small-chain outfits that offer something that complements, not detracts from, the existing retail mix of downtown….”

That…”help bolster the downtown, and who stand a good chance of making it.”

And my email friend says that they would “doubt very seriously we will be seeing anything that is low to mid market.”

And that “New England Development chose to invest in Newburyport (the Lagasses) because it is working and is successful. They see no reason to change what is obviously not broken.” (Excerpts from this email have been used with permission.)

The shop at Middle and State Streets (see earlier entry) confirms the above statements.

However, this doesn’t mean that I do not have some reservations.

Ms Lagasse is in charge of leasing the stores in downtown Newburyport, but Mr. Karp owns them. He owns “us.” (“Newburyport, Fifty top retail properties in downtown Newburyport and along the waterfront,” is listed on NED’s website under “Portfolio”.)

And, Mr. Karp may be very “good willed” and have very “good intentions,” but he is not part of our everyday, “trivial” lives. And that is important for trust, major community trust.

It has to do, for me, with the very confusing times we live in. A dehumanizing thing seems to be taking place.

Bill Moyers in his speech, “What Adam Said to Eve” (see earlier entry) talks about the “corporations that largely control our media and telecommunications systems,” and the chilling effect that has had on journalism.

And it feels to me that with luck that we may have a “benevolent” corporation as a landlord, but it would still be a corporation (New England Development, Mr. Karp) that would control so much of our downtown.

It would, for me, be the opposite of community. First of all I’m not big on monopolies, and to state the obvious, personally I don’t think it’s healthy to have someone or anyone control that much of Newburyport, MA.

And one does not meet (although one might meet its representative, Mr. and Mrs Lagasse) a corporation, in this case, New England Development (NED) at the pharmacy, doing an errand downtown, or over vegetables at the supermarket. The “trivial” things that are part of community, neighborhood, that create empathy for the people inhabiting a particular place, our place.

Mary Eaton

Mr. Steven Karp and Downtown Newburyport

The corner of State Street and Middle Street in downtown Newburyport, MA.

I walked by the store that used to be the Candle and Mug shop. A much beloved place, accessible to all socio economic groups of folks.

This is one of the properties that is now owned by Newburyport’s new landlord, Mr. Steven Karp.

The first time I walked by, it was about to pour rain, so I didn’t go in. But I went back the next day.

The shop, that just opened, sells shoes (and a few clothes, but mostly shoes).

It has a very “up-scale” look.

(Note to readers: I probably am one of the few women in the USA who doesn’t love shoes. That’s just me. But I respect all those folks out there who do love shoes.)

I went into the shop and picked up a very nice looking pair of shoes, and went, “Ooops, not in my price range.”

Then I went and picked up another pair of shoes and went, “Oooo, really not in my price range.”

Then I saw a pair of boots and when I looked at the price, I said to myself, “Don’t even go there.”

And finally, I saw a pair of men’s shoes that I was impressed by, but when I saw the price, I went, “Say what?”

Let’s just say this is not a place that middle income families are going to be shopping at a lot. This store is definitely geared towards the more “well to do.”

And this is where Mr. Karp could be headed with Newburyport, MA.

This is not a chain store. This is a store out of Maine, that is beginning to expand (one day it might become a chain store, but it now has 6 stores, so it’s not chain store at the moment.)

This is a privately owned, family run business, not local, but out of New England (Maine). It’s been around since 1830. All very hard to argue with.

It is also aimed at a certain socio economic group. (It does not fit in with the goals of our Master Plan.)


So, enjoy places like Angies. Give the “buyLocal” stores in town that appeal to all socio economic groups of people, lots of patronage, because it would be my guess that they would need it.

If the new shop at the corner of Middle and State Street (as nice as it might be) is any indication of where Mr. Karp might be going, it could be a pretty good indicator of the direction that Newburyport might be taking in the next 10 years.

(For those who might not know, Mr. Karp owns a great deal of downtown Newburyport, and has bought up a great deal of waterfront property in Newburyport, MA.)

And I don’t know, my guess would be that if folks might not like it, that if this would be in fact Mr. Karp’s objective, that there would not be much that anyone could do about it. (To re-state the obvious, this is the danger of one person owning so much vital property in Newburyport, MA.)

Mary Eaton

(Editor’s Note: Mr. Karp has been on a many people’s minds the last few days. BuyLocal sponsored and co-sponsored two events this weekend. And Ed Cameron has recently blogged about Mr. Karp noting that the phrase “high-end consumer” appeared to be a phrase that is often used. And Tom Salemi on his blog is doing some major in-depth blogging on Mr. Steven Karp.)

Responsibility of Realtors and Historic Assets

I remember when the concept of having a “great room” with an open kitchen first became popular. I thought to myself, that’s not a bad idea AND an addition like that could be added onto an historic home without (depending on whether or not one might be a purist) destroying the integrity of the historic home itself.

BUT… When the idea of large, spa-like bathrooms started to emerge, and the “must have” huge master suites, and large walk-in closets started to take hold, I thought “Oh dear. Ut-oh.”

And not to forget cathedral ceilings.

Disclaimer… I like all of these things. I like houses with all of these things.

The problem is that they are at odds with historic homes in historic places like Newburyport, Massachusetts.

And if one tries to put these elements in an historic home, it’s a pretty good guess, that the historic significance of said home could be diminished, if just not outright destroyed.


And that appears, not to state the obvious, to be what has been happening to historic houses and homes in Newburyport, MA for years.

There is a dwelling on Federal Street that had the most gorgeous historic interior features, which just recently have been ripped out. It would be my guess that the characteristics mentioned above would be a priority, over being a good steward of irreplaceable historic elements.

And I imagine that that is why when I went to the Open House with the beautiful and original historic features (see earlier entry), the realtor (nice human being) was so apologetic.

The realtor, I believe was apologetic, because the feedback that the realtor had gotten from other realtors was that the home didn’t have stuff like a large spa-like bathroom and walk-in closets.

It is my own opinion that for years realtors have had tremendous power and say over what happens to historic properties in Newburyport, MA.

And it would be my greatest wish that instead of encouraging developers to put in building components that would work very well in a place, let’s say like in the suburbs of Austin Texas, that they might encourage the developer/builder to be stewards of our historic assets here in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

After all, in the long run, it is Newburyport’s historic assets that are the base of our economic vibrancy. And it is our historic assets that make Newburyport such an great place in which to live, visit, work and play.

Mary Eaton

Open Houses, Real Estate and Gut Jobs

One of the things that I love to do is go to “Open Houses.”

I went to one this weekend. I was surprised that it was so “reasonably priced.”

(Just as a btw, I don’t think any real estate in Newburyport, MA is “reasonably priced.” In fact I find the prices for homes in Newburyport, MA to be terrifyingly high. However, this one was “cheaper” than a lot of stuff out there for the same size.)

The real estate broker was very apologetic. She said you really had to love “antiques” to like this one.



Excuse me.

Yes, this particular place actually had all the original moldings, like beautiful dental moldings, and the real estate broker was apologizing.


What have we come to in Newburyport, MA?

I go to a lot of the “newer” Open Houses (replications or gut jobs) and they all look the same to me. Ironically, often one of the big features that is pointed out to me is the “moldings.” Only, often I know that the old moldings were ripped out and this is brand new, not historic molding.

When I see these “gut jobs” all over Newburyport, MA, it feels as if the soul of the place is being gutted too.

My gut is that these gut jobs are an indication of something else, besides a deep un-appreciation of historic preservation and all that could mean.

I’m going to have to think on that one, but when I see them, they always make me very sad and very angry.

Mary Eaton

Art and Real Estate

It dawned on me… Yes, I know what caused yesterday’s post to percolate up into my brain. It was my brief visit to Providence, RI.

3 decades ago, in the 70’s, before it got “gussied up,” (sort of) I lived there. Living there was one of the reasons I fell in love with Newburyport, MA when I saw it for the first time 25+ years ago. In part, it reminded me of Providence, RI.

As of 1992 Providence has 7 local historic district overlay zones. Wow.

And it shows, big time.

Downtown Providence (Downtown Historic District) reminds me a little of my hometown, NYC, when Soho was getting it’s “comeuppance” or rather “up and coming.” One street would be swanky, the next street over would resemble the “Bowery,” in the old days, when it was “sketchy” (not like it is now).

I went on a hunt in downtown Providence, determined to do my own version of eating on $40 a day or less.

And I came across a place that was packed with folks. It was on the verge of the “sketchy” part of town. It turned out to have a restaurant and a bar, and the best fish tacos I ever ate for $3.35 or something. I ate a whole lot of fish tacos and also managed to sort of get the recipe.

When I started to pay attention to the place, after about my 3rd visit and a lot of fish tacos, I realized that I was hanging around, with a bunch of young artists in their 20’s and 30’s. (I guess that’s why I felt so “at home.”)

The place not only had a fun/funky restaurant and bar, but it also had an art gallery on one side, a small “black box” real live theater on the other side, and a place for great live bands on the inside.

And it turns out that there were a lot of “young’ns” from Newburyport, folks I knew and recognized.

Pretty cool.

And an awesome idea. But won’t happen in a place that’s too gentrified (that’s us now, Newburyport, MA)… It’s gotta be a place that’s kind a “sketchy,” with low cost real estate, to pull something like that off.

Made me miss Taffy’s and Cathy Ann’s. Glad we still have Angie’s. Glad to still have the “black box” theater at the Tannery.

Made me think that folks involved in the “arts” could be good for something.

And you know, since that place is so hopping, it won’t last long. Real estate brokers will move in, and all those good art folks will move on like nomads finding the next hot real estate market.

So the Republicans could be grateful for those liberal, art kids.

I sure am. And I’m dying for more of those fish tacos.

Mary Eaton

Lack of Public Relations in Newburyport, MA

The gentleman who owns the Newburyport Crow Lane Landfill could use a PR lessen from Mr. Tolan (see earlier entry).

I am on the Crow Lane Landfill email list. And let me tell you the emails that come across are heart breaking. This is the 5th year that some of the residence of Newburyport, MA have had to put up with unbelievable odors from the Newburyport Landfill.

Anyone who has had the “pleasure” of the experiencing the “stench,” would have the most heartfelt heartbreak for these folks.

One very enterprising member of the list (many of the folks on that list are unbelievably enterprising) actually had a telephone conversation with the owner himself. Wow. The owner, up close or even not up close has been very hard to get a hold of (vast understatement).

Apparently the conversation did not go well. (I bet the owner’s lawyers did not like that one.) It ended, predictably, with the owner of the landfill, as I understand it from the email list, having some not so nice words with our enterprising resident, and the owner blaming everyone but himself.

This apparently has been done in documents, so it doesn’t exactly come as a big surprise. Maybe the not so nice language part, but the “it’s not my fault” part- no surprise at all. And now I want $7.1 Million from the city of Newburyport, MA (Newburyport Daily News, August 11, 2007), because I am a victim, I suppose, sadly, was almost predicable.

Really lousy PR.

Now, the owner, could have handled things much differently, we all know that. Otherwise the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts would not now (finally) be taking legal action to take over the “stench-plagued Crow Lane landfill,” (Newburyport Daily News, August 3, 2007).

What if all along, the actual owner, had done right by us in Newburyport, MA, which the State, the DEP and the City of Newburyport, MA, do not think he did.

Wow, we are talking way beyond hypothetical here. But, what if the owner himself had met with the residence in question, right from the get-go, had a personal relationship with them, walked the landfill and experienced what they experienced, and actually worked with them to solve the issue? Whole different ball game.

Great PR (especially if the issue had been taken care of).

And Mr. Karp is having a similar PR problem in Newburyport, MA. Mr. Tolan is again– good role model here on the PR stuff.

What if Mr. Karp made himself available, one on one, more than just once to the tenants (good start, but a little more needed), gave folks an idea of who he is and what, at the very least, the vaguest direction he could be contemplating. If there is nothing to hide, why not??

By showing 87 High Street, Leslie and Peter Tolan basically said we have nothing to hide, come take a look and see for yourself. And come meet us one on one. Great PR. A good example of the beginning to build the “trust thing” in a community.

By not making himself available, Mr. Karp is doing exactly the opposite. The “trust level” in Newburyport, MA, Mr. Karp wise, on a scale of 1-10, is way, way, way low.

And as for the owner of the Newburyport Crow Lane Landfill, there is no “trust level” at all. Apparently the residence of Newburyport, the City of Newburyport, MA, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the DEP feel the trust level has long, long, long ago has been beyond completely decimated. And now he wants $7.1 Million from us??

Lousy PR.

Mary Eaton

Good Public Relations in Newburyport, MA

One of the things that fascinated me concerning the “87 High Street, Leslie and Peter Tolan encounter” that I had was, “brilliant” public relations. Might I learn a whole lot from this. Really.

One of the things that I’ve learned blogging the Newburyport Blog is that folks get their “knickers in a knot” over all sorts of stuff. I’ve gotten to the point where I write a blog post and I say to myself, self, “someone is going to get their knickers in on knot on this one, you just know it.” (And the frogs go, “Yup, you just know it.”)

Later, when I go back and read whatever it is that someone has gotten all knotted up about, I’ll think to myself, “Say what? They were that upset about what?? Good grief.” (And the frogs look at me and go, “Yeh, can you believe it?)

And I’ve gotten flack from the fact that I don’t think the Tolans trashed the place (87 High Street). Predictably enough, folks are real worked up about it. (And folks who are worked up about it, could think this blog post is about them. Well, I gotta tell ya, no, it’s not.) (And the frogs are going, “Yes siree, no it’s not.”) (Good grief it’s beginning to sound like a froggy Greek chorus around here at the Newburyport Blog.)

Just the granite steps in the front of 87 High Street property alone have folks hyperventilating. Ok, not the Yankee approach, but it’s not impeachable either.

What is so interesting to me, is that the Tolans had a choice. They could have made my life a miserable, because of my snoopiness and concerns about 87 High Street, or they could have taken the approach that they did.

If they had made my life “unpleasant,” every time I would have seen or heard anything related to them (which would have been almost everyday, because I pass 87 High Street almost, if not everyday) I would not have thought “nice” things.

However, now, I’m envious of their neighbors, because it seems that they might have funny, courteous and interesting people who have bought property in their neighborhood. And I wish the Tolans were spending more time in Newburyport, MA. Before, I just wanted them to go away, permanently. This is quite a turn of attitude on my part.

After reading the description of Leslie and Peter’s appearance before the Newburyport Zoning Board of Appeals in the Newburyport Daily News, I was puzzled. Peter Tolan wrote me an email, describing the experience.

At the end of the email, Mr. Tolan said that after he left the meeting, he turned to Leslie and said, “Tough room.”

Might I learn from this and apply it to my life. And I’m trying to figure out how.

And you know what? I bet they have PhD’s in Public Relations, or at least MS’s degrees in Public Relations. The frogs think so too. (Here we go, froggy Greek chorus again.) But I don’t have time to get a PhD in Public Relations, I need an online crash course.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Meal Tax to Help Municipalities

Well, George Cushing, of Frog Pond at the Bartlett Mall, the “astute” political consultant for the Newburyport Blog was going to roast our State Representative, Michael Costello.

George Cushing being astute

An article in the Sunday Globe, “Option on meal tax stirs debate
Communities could benefit,” by Kathy McCabe, May 6, 2007, caught George’s eye.

The frogs have been feeling left out lately. I haven’t consulted them in this whole school override debate thing. (And quite frankly, between you and me, I haven’t consulted them on this issue because they have been absolutely no help at all. Good grief, aren’t political consultants and aspiring political consultants supposed to be helpful??)

But, both George and I think the 1-2% meal tax that would help municipal coffers to pay for stuff like the schools and fire trucks, would be a really, really good idea. (Never mind that the Massachusetts Restaurant Association doesn’t like it, of course they wouldn’t like it. Is anybody actually surprised by this? No.)

At the end of the article in the Boston Globe, May 6, 2007 by Kathy McCabe, there is this quote:

” “This tax has been talked about before,” said Michael Costello, executive director of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce in Gloucester. “This tax gives a glimmer of hope to communities. . . . But all it really does is unfairly tax businesses, to right the municipal ship.” ”

Well, George Cushing proceeded to get his panties all in a bunch (do frogs wear panties??) that Michael Costello would not be for the proposed meal tax that would help his very own city of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Whoa. But wait a minute here.

Good thing I am the editor of the Newburyport Blog and George Cushing is not.

On closer inspection this morning, the Michael Costello in the article is the “executive director of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce in Gloucester.”

Am I massively confused or what? How many people by the name of Michael Costello could there possibly be? And is our State Representative moonlighting as the “executive director of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce in Gloucester?”

How to resolve this weirdness. Do I call Michael Costello’s government office in Boston, and ask, “Are you working for Gloucester too??” Or do I call the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce and ask, “Is Michael Costello a state representative??” Which would be less embarrassing for moi?

In the end I decided to try the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce, and yes, I had the feeling when they answered my question that they thought I was completely nuts.

But, the mystery of our State Representative Michael Costello working in two places at once is solved. He’s not. There are, low and behold, 2 Michael Costellos. Who knew?

So, I have spared George Cushing the embarrassment of making a total fool out of himself (lucky George).

I have no idea how our State Representative feels about the meal tax. I am presuming that he is for it, since he knows first hand how municipalities are struggling. But neither George or I have checked that pertinent piece of information out.

We were way too busy checking out just how many Michael Costellos there happened to be within a certain proximity. I guess we’ll find out State Representative Michael Costello’s position on this very important matter at some later date, whenever.

Mary Eaton