Category Archives: Business

Business in Newburyport, MA

Newburyport, The Partnership Act and Money for Cities and Towns

Helping Massachusetts cities and towns with their property tax “crisis” –Governor Deval’s “Partnership Act.”

One of the things I really like about the “Partnership Act” (Municipal Partnership Act– its official name) is that it would close a property tax exemption created in 1915 that exempts telecommunications companies from paying property taxes on their (telephone) poles.

I believe that we are talking about Verizon here.

And as I understand it electric companies are paying taxes on their half of (telephone) poles, that they share with telecommunication companies that are exempt.

Good grief. That seems crazy to me.

“The best figures I have show that fairly taxing telecomm companies would add $261,330.00 in sorely needed revenue for Arlington.”, Tuesday, April 10, 2007

That’s an unofficial figure for one town, but folks, that’s a good chunk of change.

The argument against ending this antiquated loophole would be that Verizon would leave the state and run for the hills (I think that it’s unlikely Verizon would run for the hills, they appear to have way too much invested in the state of Massachusetts).

The other argument is that Verizon would pass this added expense onto the consumer.

“The governor discounted the arguments of Verizon Communications that closing the telecommunications tax loophole would lead directly to higher rates for consumers. He said Verizon has raised its rates by 30 percent even while its overall tax bill has gone down 46 percent.

The 92-year-old law, originally designed to bring telephone service to all corners of the state, exempts telephone companies from paying property taxes on poles and wires, an exemption worth an estimated $78 million, according to the governor.”
“Local officials, governor urge passage of Municipal Partnership Act” by MMA Publications/Web Director John Ouellette, Tuesday, April 10, 2007.

So as we are thinking about the fiscal crisis facing Newburyport, MA and a whole lot of other cities and towns across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, getting Verizon to pay for their half of the telephone poles works for me.

It just seems like plain old common sense.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Tax Relief

Now that I’ve chit chatted about the Republican point of view towards local fiscal woes, George Cushing, the political consultant for the Newburyport Blog felt it was really time to take a look at the Democrat point of view.

Ok, George. Good idea.

And that means taking a look at Governor Deval’s “Partnership Act” (The long version, the “Municipal Partnership Act.”), which I gather is still being “tweaked.” And I gather the Partnership Act is not support by one and all. Gee, what a surprise.

Let’s start with something simple in the proposal:

The Partnership Act would allow cities and towns to adopt a sales tax on meals of up to 2 percent in addition to the 5 percent state tax.

25 percent would go to property tax relief for seniors.

“Local officials, Patrick testify on behalf of partnership act”, Tuesday, April 10, 2007

“Patrick described the local option taxes on meals as “purely a local decision.”

“The idea is to trust local communities to make those judgments by themselves according to their own circumstances,” he said.

He cited studies showing that New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle all have higher meals taxes than Boston would if it were able to enact the local option tax.

“In all those places the restaurant business is booming,” Patrick added.

Twenty-five percent of the revenue generated by the local option meals tax and room occupancy tax would be used to reimburse cities and towns for property tax exemptions that senior citizens are eligible for.”

By MMA Associate Editor Mitch Evich

A Republican response to this, aside from the fact that it’s yet one more tax on top of all the other taxes is this:

“Deval’s local tax hike scheme actually gets worse in the details. The reason, friends, is that communities that make the mistake of raising these local taxes only get to keep 75 percent of the hike. The rest goes into (hold your breath) a state fund that would reimburse communities that provide property tax abatements for senior citizens.”, February 28, 2007

Liberal Democrat that I am, I think 25% towards a property relief for seniors is a good thing. That one really works for me.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Override Opinions

In my hunt for what Barbara Anderson was referring when she was talking about “fighting for reforms that would save money,” I learned a lot.

I discovered 2 really good blogs. One is a Democratic blog, and one is a Republican blog, Two really good blogs from two completely different points of view. I highly recommend them.

One of these blogs directed me towards the The Patriot Ledger where I found this quote about Barbara Anderson (who I gather is a Republican).

“Barbara Anderson, president of Citizens for Limited Taxation, the group that led the campaign to adopt Proposition 2 ½ in 1980, predicts that voter support for overrides will continue to erode as long as municipal employee benefits continue to exceed those in the private sector.

“People are starting to connect these tax requests with the general inability of elected officials to deal with these issues,” she said. “The people they’re asking for the overrides are the ones themselves trying to afford health insurance.”

The Patriot Ledger, April 7, 2007, “More towns face grim possibility of tax overrides,” By Rick Collins

The same article also says:

“Lean increases in state aid, empty rainy-day accounts and continuing double-digit increases in personnel costs mean many communities can no longer afford to provide services at current levels.

“Scores of communities are reaching a point where they simply don’t have the revenue, no matter how much they squeeze, to support the existing level of services,” said Michael J. Widmer, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

Many predict communities will continue to experience money problems unless they make drastic cuts in payrolls, benefits and services, or they hike taxes.

The issue, some say, is not just the number of town employees – most communities have fewer now than they did before 2004 – but rather employee benefits such as pensions, guaranteed pay hikes and relatively low-cost health care.

Health care costs for municipalities increase an average of about 10 percent annually and consume larger amounts of a community’s budget.”

The Patriot Ledger, April 7, 2007, “More towns face grim possibility of tax overrides,” By Rick Collins

Michael J. Widmer I gather is also a Republican (I’m a Liberal Democrat) and it appears he is not much liked by does not appear to like Barbara Anderson much either.

So, I’m on a huge learning curve here. Anderson and Widmer are new names to moi. And even though I am a Democrat, I am very interested in their point of view.

Mary Eaton

Springtime and Money for Newburyport, MA

On Saturday I went for a walk downtown and along Newburyport’s beautiful boardwalk, that runs along the mouth of the Merrimac River from the Black Cow Restaurant to the Customs House Maritime Museum.

It was as if after a long dormant winter, Newburyport, MA had come alive on this gorgeous spring day.

And I hate to say it folks, and I didn’t count the cars, but the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority lot down by the Customs House Maritime Museum was full. And all those tourists brought $$ to Newburyport, MA.

I am an artist, I do not have a Political Science degree or a Business degree, so when I blog about many of the issues on the Newburyport Blog, I often feel like a complete neophyte.

But the more I understand the fiscal crisis that Newburyport, MA is facing, the more I understand how important it is for the city of Newburyport, MA to have a commercial base.

One of the blogs I have discovered is the “Milton View.” The blog’s author, Philip Mathews, discusses many of the same problems that Newburyport, MA is confronted by. I highly recommend it.

According to the “Milton View,” Milton, MA relies almost solely on its residential property tax and has a lack of commercial development that has led to a lopsided tax base. And Milton relies on “overrides” to pay for a myriad of things.

Luckily, Newburyport has a vibrant downtown and the Industrial Park, all of which, one would assume, could help with our municipal taxes.

I’ve never paid much attention, to the “business” part of Newburyport, MA, but I guess I may start to pay more attention now. Because it appears that escalating residential property taxes may not be a long term solution for Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Effective Activist Efforts

Watching all the political activity that has been going on in Newburyport, MA lately, I’ve been learning a lot. I’ve been learning what appears to be effective demeanor and conduct as an activist and what might not be.

When Allyson Lawless came before the Newburyport City Council last Monday night, I thought it was a textbook presentation.

I was watching the Newburyport City Council meeting on TV from the comfort of my comfy chair, so this was not an on hand observation. But still, the TV thing works for me.

Ms Lawless appeared out of breath (it appeared the lady in question had been making her way through a packed Newburyport City Council chamber.) She was obviously nervous and took a moment to compose herself.

The Newburyport City Council was addressed with sincere respect.

I have often seen folks come before the Newburyport City Council and various Newburyport boards and committees and open up with something along the lines of “I really appreciate the opportunity of speaking here tonight,” or whatever.

And at times there is a subtle inflection of tone, where the underlining message that comes across is “I’m here tonight because I think you all are idiots (with a possible few exceptions) and I want to persuade you, manipulate you, do anything I can, to make you vote the way I think is the right way for you to vote.”

It’s a very subtle thing, but Ms Lawless, in my opinion, nailed it.

And the subject that Ms Lawless was bringing forth was the ordinance regulating chain stores in Newburyport, MA, which, I suppose, has the potential of being an emotionally charged issue.

The impression Ms Lawless gave (at least from my comfy seat) was that there was no ultimatum here. Hopefully this was the beginning of a discussion and a dialogue on how downtown Newburyport, MA might find an appropriate balance between local entrepreneurs and larger establishments.

With an introductory discussion taking place this Wednesday night at 6:30 at Newburyport City Hall, one hopes that very reasonable and reasoned tone could continue.

And reading today’s Newburyport Daily News, April 17, 2007 on Dr. Robert Wilkins, the activist who helped save downtown Newburyport, MA, there was this wonderful quote which refers to his “kind heart, love of humanity and community, incredible resilience and good nature.”

And maybe that is the key to being a good activist (and Dr. Wilkins was certainly the example of the ultimate Newburyport activist), a kind heart and a genuine love of the community of Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

(Editor’s Note: At this point the Newburyport Blog, a local blog, only has national advertising. This is an irony that is by no means lost on the editor of the Newburyport Blog.)

Newburyport, Chocolates and Buy Local

This is why we need these Buy Local folks.

We’ve got a new chocolate shop in town, opened and run by one of our good “newbies.” And yes, and there is a “Buy Local” decal in the store window.


The place is called “Ballotin Chocolates.” And it’s amazing.

It just opened. The proprietess, Ms Lisa Bleicken is a sweetie (no pun intended). And a real talented young lady at that.

Ms Bleicken is a fairly new local and a local architect, contractors etc were used to set this great place up.

And it’s all about chocolate.

I’ve never seen such beautiful chocolates. They look like unbelievable tiny sculptures. And Ms Bleicken had a very hard time convincing me to actually bite into one.

But, my, I was glad I did.


Chocolate samples, chocolate cook books, cookies, chocolate children’s books, chocolate creams and soap.

And the whole place looks like it might expand one day to London, Paris, Rome and New York. Classy place.

This is why we need these “Buy Local” folks. A great new entrepreneur in town putting money back into the local economy. Yes, this is a very good thing. Much better than a chocolate chain store, Yikes!

So go check out this new “Buy Local” store out. Great for Mother’s Day, Easter, anniversaries, “thank you’s” and a “just treat yourself because it’s a great idea” day.

Ballotin Chocolates
16 Unicorn Street
(The small street across from the Newburyport Post Office)
Newburyport, MA

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Meeting

Dear Newburyport Citizen,

As an active and concerned member of the Newburyport community, I urge you to join us upstairs at the Grog on Thursday, March 29th, at 7pm to learn more about how you can make a difference in:

– preserving the local character of Newburyport
– supporting locally-owned independent businesses
– preventing chains from taking over the downtown and waterfront

We are, an organization dedicated to educating the public about the benefits of locally-owned independent businesses, and advocating for the citizens of Newburyport in order to guide development in our city that will benefit the community. The March 29th meeting will focus on presenting our goals and taking questions from the community. Specifically, we will discuss a formula store ordinance we are drafting to present to city council in April. The ordinance would encourage locally owned businesses, and place limits on the number and extent of formula businesses (“chains”) in the downtown and waterfront areas of our city.

Our objective is to prevent national chains from taking over downtown Newburyport and detracting from the unique character of the city that we all love. Newburyport already has a Starbucks, four Dunkin Donuts (one downtown), a Talbots and more. With an $800 million commercial development project being planned on our waterfront and other possibilities along State and Pleasant streets, will be providing a voice for the citizens of Newburyport who value locally-owned, independent businesses.

We are taking a proactive stance to protect our unique downtown character and direct growth towards the benefit of the community, not just large corporations. Please join us, and Spread The Word!!

When: Thu March 29, 7-9pm
Where: Upstairs at the Grog, 13 Middle St, Newburyport
Cost: Free admission, although we welcome donations; cash bar

RSVP: Send e-mail to Please indicate the number of people who will be attending.

For more information, go to

Best Regards,
The Organization


Gene Volovich

Newburyport, Preserving Our Historic Assets

I’ve just read the editorial in the Newburyport Daily News, March 14, 2007 on the beginning of the process of protecting Newburyport’s historic heritage, the appointment of a Historic District Study Committee.

The Historic District Study Committee was appointed by Mayor John Moak and was (as I understand it) unanimously passed by the Newburyport City Council this Monday, March 12, 2007. Good for the Newburyport City Council and good for Mayor John Moak.

By law the Historic District Study Committee has to be diverse. (If you Google “Massachusetts General Law 40C,” you will find it, and you will find out that, yes indeed, this is a long and thoughtful process with gobs of public input.)

The Historic District Study Committee by law has to consist of 3-7 people. The Study Committee has to include an architect, a realtor and a member appointed by the Newburyport Historical Commission.

The idea here, as I understand it, is not to scare everyone into thinking they are going to live in a museum and have no say on their property rights. That’s the old fear laden concept that has kept us from protecting our historic assets lo these many, many years.

The idea here is for the Historic District, if it ever comes about, to be “user friendly” for goodness sakes. (And NOT doing anything silly like dictating paint color, good grief!)

And just for giggles this is from the website of the The National Architectural Trust.

“In Newburyport, Massachusetts, the local government tried unsuccessfully to fund a preservation commission to monitor and protect the second largest single community of Federal style architecture in the United States. This community of 2,600 homes has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1984. Despite placement on the National Register and local efforts to protect the community, demolition, development and period inappropriate alterations and additions have effectively replaced one third of these historic properties.”

You read correctly. According to The National Architectural Trust we have lost one third of our historic properties since 1984.

Think what will be left if we continue that nifty trend.

So, I really, really did not appreciate the editorial in the Newburyport Daily News, March 14, 2007. We can do Historic District “user friendly,” for goodness sakes.

And I don’t think anyone is against energy efficient houses. And somehow I think that the realtor and the architect on the Historic Study Committee will take into consideration people’s property rights.

So let’s get out of the terrified, fear-ridden, preservation dark ages, and get into the preservation light-filled present.

By law, this is a long and thoughtful process with gobs of public input and has to be passed by two-thirds of the Newburyport City Council.

Let’s not jump to panic ridden conclusions here.

Instead, let’s give all the parties involved in this one a round of applause.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, The Fate of the Kelly School

If they close the Kelly School, I hope the City of Newburyport in its mucho wisdom sells the Kelly School for mucho money. And then I hope the City of Newburyport consults people, like Mark Welch, the President and CEO of the Institution For Savings and Richie Eaton, the President and CEO of The Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank (you see this is why we need local banks, etc. because they care about stuff like this) and ask them what to do with all that money.

I mean we are talking a super duper historic asset here. Prime real estate in a prime location.

Invest it? Put it towards a capital improvement fund for the schools or blow it in one wad on whatever.

I ask the frogs if Newburyport Public Schools can do this sort of thing (take the money from an asset and invest it wisely). The frogs have no clue. They say they are a political consultant, aspiring political consultants and a frog activist. This is completely out of their area of expertise. (Does this mean I now am going to have to find yet another frog, this one a financial wiz?)

And if the city in its wisdom, actually did sell the Kelly School, I hope they would put deed restrictions on it, inside and out, so some one couldn’t come along and mangle it.

Although mangling historic stuff appears to be our “wow factor” these days.

I would hate to see the Kelly mangled the way so many of our historic assets are mangled.

There has to be something to preserving the literally thousands of stories that are part of that building. The stories, the history, that give it a “patina” if you will.

One would hope that as a former Kelly School parent, one could, one day, enter that beloved building, and go “yes, and this is what I remember.”

One of the interesting things about the historic photographs from the Library of Congress, was that the insides of the houses were often photographed as well as the outsides, because, obviously, the insides were (still are) important too.

Ok, I’m making major jumps here. But if we’re talking about closing the Kelly School, one at least would hope that we would use that asset wisely and not squander it in a bureaucratic blurpy, botch up.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, The Garage, The Central Waterfront

My friend, Jim Roy, has been after me to write a post about “the garage.” (He says enough with the frogs.)

The garage, the garage, the garage. Deja vu all over again. Or like “Groundhog Day,” the movie where the same thing keeps happening over and over again.

Ok, Newburyport, MA has been promised 5 million towards a garage by the Commonwealth of MA. And if Mr. Karp would like to cough up the other whatever million, and if the garage would go on the “Lombardi” property, which is owned by someone other than Mr. Karp, so Mr. Karp would have to buy it, and if the garage would have a similar plan to what was designed, lo those many years ago (which I always thought was a great design), I’m all for it.

The voters, the last time around voted for Mr. Moak, in part, because they didn’t want to pay tax payer dollars for a garage. But there doesn’t appear to be any chit chat here for tax payers paying for any garage.

Now the Lagasses (Ann Lagasse, who I remember, was on that “garage committee,” and a darned good committee it was too) weren’t going to pony up money (no Mr. Karp at that time) to co-author a garage on that spot (which in my mind is the only good spot for a garage). So why in the world would Mr. Karp?

Hope he does, I’d like it. I’d like it a lot.

The other thing I hear floating around, is no more Open Waterfront, but historically sensitive building on that Newburyport Redevelopment Authority property. Oy veh. Yet another idea. Here we go yet one more time.

Yes, let’s postpone this whole Waterfront shebang another 50 maybe another 100 years. It can only add to the Waterfront Saga.

And I’m excited about the designs coming in for an open Central Waterfront. Although, I recall, this has already been done before.

It was after Mr. Foster was finally defeated that I remember a design for those dirt parking lots in the front hall of Newburyport City Hall. Deja vu all over again.

Why are we so passionate about this last piece of Newburyport Redevelopment land? It’s as if we can’t let go of that last little bit.

So, I’m not putting any bets anywhere on this one. And I still don’t think that the Waterfront Opus is going to be resolved in my lifetime. Although, of course, I’d like it a lot if it actually was.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, MA, New England Development

From reading the Newburyport Daily News last week it sounded like a nifty New England Development, Karpian “love-fest.” Chuck Lagasse, Ann Lagasse, George Hilton, the mayor. It sounded like everybody’s just “yummy.” Everyone frolicking around except for the one person Newburyport, MA would very much like to see up close and personal, Mr. Stephen Karp.

I got to say that since Stephen Karp has never made a public appearance in Newburyport, MA (Newburyport Daily News, February 16, 2007), that no matter what Mr. Karp might say at this point, it is my opinion that the populace of Newburyport, MA might be skeptical, to say the least. (Is this an vast understatement? Yes.)

I do not believe that the issue is, that the residents of Newburyport, MA might lack “patience” in regards to a huge waterfront development by Mr. Karp, that could or could not radically and permanently damage Newburyport, MA. I think that the issue is a matter of trust, or to clarify, unearned trust by Mr. Stephen Karp himself.

After the series of articles in the Newburyport Daily News, I wanted to call up our mayor or Mr. Hilton (who just sold his Marina to Mr. Karp for lots and lots of money) and say, “is this really a love-fest??”

I’ve been told many times that I should call people like our mayor and George Hilton for comments. But I gotta tell you, I would feel a little silly (not in the good sense “silly,” but in the silly sense “silly”) calling up and saying, “hi, this is Mary Baker Eaton from the Newburyport Political Blog, would you be willing to make a comment? Is this really a love-fest or what?”

However, having made the acquaintance of both Sarah White (Newburyport Preservation Trust) and Allyson Lawless (Buy Local), I did get in touch with both of these young ladies who were quoted in the Newburyport Daily News article, February 16, 2007, and asked, “is this really a love-fest or what? Is everybody as “yummy” as everyone sounds?”

And to give both young ladies mucho credit, neither one of them thought I was totally “whacked.” (They both like frogs. ) (And hey, I am getting the “you are totally whacked” thing because of the frogs, and maybe other stuff as well, I don’t know.)

And in the article in the Newburyport Daily News, February 16, 2007, it was pointed out by Ms Lawless that all we have to go on is what Mr. Karp has done for his other projects and developments. And yes, both young ladies are “concerned,” not “hysterical,” not “fearful” but “concerned.”

And whether or not what New England Development does is “tasteful” or not, did not appear to be the issue. Whether or not what New England Development does or does not do is “appropriate” or “inappropriate” for our New England seacoast city, is very much the issue indeed.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Development along Route 1

Thank goodness for the indepth article, along with photographs, written by Ulrika Gerth in the Newburyport Current, February 16, 2007, on the proposed development in Newbury along Route 1.

The article not only talks about the complexities that Newbury faces, but also puts it in context of the Little River Transit Village and Newbury’s threat from 40B projects.

Whether this is a good development for Newbury and Newburyport or not still remains to be seen, but good solid facts help the public to make an informed decision.

* This possible project has entailed “years of planning.”

* Newbury has been threatened with a shopping mall in that area and a 40B project.

* The proposed plan is for development on 14 acres not 72 acres. The remaining 58 acres would be under a “conservation restriction.”

* This would help protect Newbury from 40B developments as hopefully the numbers for affordable housing would be raised from 3% to more like 10%.

* Newburyport has to Ok the water and sewer for any project like this is to happen. And from what I can make out, we have by no means said “yes.”

* Planning for the Little River Transit Village on our end is very much in the works.

* This project has a long way to go.

* The development “would dramatically change the Route 1 gateway to Newburyport.” The photographs in the Newburyport Current show that what is there now is not exactly “scenic.” There is not enough information yet to know if people would feel that this development would or would not be acceptable.

* It could “potentially attract more business along Route 1.” I’m assuming that means more business South along Route 1, not the planned Little River Transit Village. And if that would be the case the pastoral feeling leading to Newburyport could be diminished. Although from what I can make out, the area South of this proposal is not slated for zoning changes (I am unclear on this point).

* Change and growth are inevitable. My impression is that Newbury’s Town Planner, Judy Tymon, and the Newbury Planning Board appear to be doing everything they can to try and make that growth be as responsible as possible.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, City Manager

I cannot tell you how much I long for a city manager form of government. And the fact that two gentleman from the opposite sides of the Newburyport aisle, so to speak, agree that it is a good idea to have a dialogue about this possibility warms my little heart (and so close to Valentines Day too).

I cannot get behind the idea that we need someone who is “one of us,” that only one of the “Newburyport family” could be trusted to do this huge, civic, administrative job. That an “outsider” could not be trusted .

Newburyport, MA is a multi-million municipal operation. Multi-million operations are run by trained professionals who know what they are doing. And the more I blog about Newburyport, MA, the more I understand how unbelievably complicated running this place can be. Good grief.

And do I really think all the trained CEO’s who have the talent and expertise to run Newburyport, MA, who live in this community would consider leaving their jobs and take on the responsibility, much less the yummy politics of this place? I think that the answer to that question is a big fat “no.”

And it is my opinion that Mr., Mrs. or Ms regular Newburyport human being do not have the training for this kind of overwhelming administrative, daunting, complicated conundrum.

However, there are actually people who train for this nightmare of a job description and actually want to do it. They are city managers, town managers and they get paid the right kind of money that it takes to look at the kind of tangled mess we weave (or for that matter the mess that any municipality weaves).

And we would get to fire this human being if he or she or it isn’t doing the administrative job we think he, she or it should be doing.

In theory this is supposed to make our ship sail a little smoother. Well, hopefully a whole lot smoother.

Being mayor of Newburyport, MA used to be an “honor.” These days it’s a nightmare triathlon. For a whole variety of reasons (which would be a whole other post, or a whole series of posts, if not a PhD thesis) the days of being the mayor being an “honor” are long gone in the dark ages of Newburyport, MA.

So I am very glad that Newburyport City Councilor James Shanley and Newburyport City Councilor Erford Fowler have come forth and together proposed taking a good hard look at what having a city manager form of government might entail.

Do I think the residents of Newburyport, MA are going to have an open mind in general about this one? No, I do not. However, I do believe the discussion is a vital one to have. And if we start having the discussion now in the year 2007, maybe in 2 centuries or so, we might actually do something concrete about it.

Mary Eaton
Newburyport, MA

Newburyport, Newbury Development on Route 1

I’m going to pass on what I’ve learned about the proposed development by Newbury on Route 1 as I learn more about it.

* Newbury’s financial situation has been described to me as being “desperate” and “in peril.”

* Newbury has almost no income from commercial or industrial business to help support expenses.

* Taxes are almost solely from property taxes.

* Newbury has a large percentage of older folks. A raise in property tax could mean that older folks might have to move.

* Newbury’s Finance Committee and Planning Board are two intelligent and thoughtful groups.

* The town has 3% Affordable Housing. They desperately would like to get that figure to go up towards 10% to qualify for more state help.

* Newbury has been threatened previously with 2 very undesirable projects. I think the town has been threatened with a “40B, landfill transfer center” as well as a “140,000 square-foot shopping center” on this same property. (I need to double and triple check those 2 exact items).
[Editors note: the information on those 2 items has been double checked.]

* Newbury feels that it could work with this developer, Beacon Community Development and is encouraged.

* There was a great deal of positive and receptive feedback from the people who attended the meeting with the developer last week.

* With a cooperative developer, the town of Newbury feels that it is possible to have a positive experience and outcome.

* This is a 40R project, which is different from a 40B project which is different from an Overlay District. From what I understand so far (and I am on a steep learning curve here) an Overlay District gives more control to the town, but a 40R gives more state help, however, less control. There is such a thing as a friendly 40R or even friendly 40B where the town and developer work together.

* Something will be built on that property. The town of Newbury is hoping for the best possible outcome.

* This would be part of the Little River Transit Village proposed project.

* This would not prevent Newburyport from going ahead with its plans for the Little River Transit Village. As I understand it (and again, I am on a steep learning curve here) the reason for the Little River Transit Village for Newburyport is to control growth and to minimize inappropriate growth in other areas of Newburyport, MA.

* The acreage that could be built on is 14 acres not 72 acres. I gather the parcel itself is 72 acres. As I understand it the hope is to preserve open space.

Usually I do not do this sort of post. I know legally I am considered a “publisher” and I’ve tried to put down in this post what I have discovered in my research this weekend, which has been a help to me.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Education

Our schools. The financial state of our schools. How utterly depressing.

I hope Superintendent Kevin Lyons sticks around, doesn’t get so discouraged about the bleak financial picture that he moves on. Never met the guy, but not to repeat myself, but to repeat myself, he sounds awesome.

To have the school financial picture be so bleak that we will have to let teacher’s go, possibly lose the accreditation for our High School and have class sizes go up. Yikes.

No extra money from the state, rising costs and no extra mula in the city’s coffers. Yikes.

Look folks, when it gets this bleak, I’m all for an override. Come on, we are not talking entitled Taj Mahal Elementary School Building plan here, we are talking losing basics, which hurts everyone’s financial bottom line.

People are not going to want to live in Newburyport, MA if our brand new spanking High School (which hasn’t been remotely paid for yet) loses its accreditation. Oh, good grief.

In 2 months we’ve gone from discussing a Taj Mahal approach to an Elementary School Building plan, to a very commonsense approach by Newburyport Superintendent Kevin Lyons to, at least what I thought was a “brilliant,” problem solving solution to the present overcrowding in the Newburyport Elementary School, to the present utter bleakness.

Oy vey…

This is one of the many, many reasons I would never want to be on the Newburyport School Committee or be the mayor of Newburyport, MA. Much easier to be a blogger.

I would lose an awful lot of sleep at night on this one.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, a Hotel, the Waterfront

Mayor John Moak would very much like Mr. Stephen Karp to build a hotel on Mr. Karp’s waterfront property.

The only thing that would appear more cursed than resolving the Central Waterfront parking conundrum, would be a hotel on Newburyport’s waterfront.

Hmm… let’s see, Roger Foster had an awful lot of problems with a proposed hotel on the waterfront way back when. Didn’t do much for his pocket book, as I recall, a lot of litigation.

And, hmm… let’s see, my recollection is that the Lagasses, who bought a lot of property from Mr. Foster, also proposed a hotel on the waterfront. And that was way back whenever. That proposal is still being litigated, yo these many, many years later. (Newburyport Current, February 2, 2007)

The Newburyport hotel waterfront curse. Be a real selling point for anyone wanting to leap in yet again. And from what I can make out from the article by Ulrika Gerth in the Newburyport Current, February 2, 2007, there is a little bit of hesitation. No one appears to be running gleefully towards the notion with wide and inviting open arms.

Judging from past contentious history, the notion of a hotel might be approached with caution. But no, Mayor John Moak apparently would like to dive into this one.

“Mayor John Moak said attracting a hotel is a prime focus of his administration… “I know this administration, me and the Planning Department, would be much more interested in trying to tweak things if it means more overnight accommodations,” he said. “We’re committed to that and we know we have to make some compromises to make it work.” ” (Newburyport Current, February 2, 2007)

What has people puzzled to downright alarmed is the reference in the above quote by Mayor John Moak to “tweaking things” and “making some compromises to make it work,” much less having a hotel be his “prime focus” (big news to a lot of folks). A hotel at all costs? Tweaking? Compromising? If history is any indication it is possible that not all of Newburyport’s populace would necessarily agree.

And maybe one of the most discouraging things in the article in the Newburyport Current is not about Mayor John Moak, who is desperately trying to find money somewhere to pay for all the civic things that Newburyport doesn’t have money for (like our schools among other things). But the fact that Stephen Karp, who controls Newburyport’s destiny, has only bothered to have one conversation with the gentleman in the corner office.

And I find this very dispiriting indeed.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, A Choice Not Taken, The Wheelwright Property

The Wheelwright property in today’s Newburyport Current, January 19, 2006, an article by Ulrika Gerth.

Apparently two gentleman generously offered the developer of the proposed subdivision at the back of the Wheelwright property–a choice. Ted Nelson and Nathan Felde offered Mr. Todd Fremont Smith a buy-out plan with the intention of donating the land for public use in perpetuity with the idea that Mr. Todd Fremont-Smith could be a hero.

My understanding is that Ted Nelson and Nathan Felde felt that they were negotiating in good faith to the point where they were making plans on how to raise the needed money, offering the chance for Mr. Fremont Smith to be well loved by Newburyport, MA.

It appears that Mr. Todd Fremont-Smith was, unfortunately, not interested. Not a hero, I’m afraid Mr. Smith.

I guess the back of the Wheelwright property, abutting the historic Oak Hill Cemetery will not be one of Newburyport’s preservation success stories. How unfortunate.

Once again, I found these photographs in the Library of Congress.

The Abraham Wheelwright House, 77 High Street, built in 1810
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photograph Division, Historic American Buildings Survey Frank O. Branzetti, Photographer November 19, 1940

This is a photograph of 77 High Street, the Abraham Wheelwright House. The William Wheelwright House, 75 High Street, is down the street, next door to the left in this photograph.

What this photograph does, I think, is give an understanding of the majestic quality of the houses on historic High Street. And how important it is to Newburyport, MA to retain that majestic quality.

And yes, indeed, right next to the Abraham Wheelwright House you can see Wills Lane. I am sure that the Wheelwright family never imagined that Wills Lane would afford the “frontage” for a subdivision by Todd Fremont-Smith to be built in back of their beloved property.

Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photograph Division, Historic American Buildings Survey Frank O. Branzetti, Photographer August 19, 1940

And this photograph is in back of 77 High Street looking southwest towards the historic Oak Hill Cemetery.

I think this photograph gives a sense of why the land in back of the High Street houses, often acres and acres, adds to their majestic quality.

Obviously Mr. Todd Fremont-Smith does not think so.

I would imagine that this blogger will start blogging a whole lot more again on the unfortunate circumstance that this stately and imposing land (as well as the residence of Newburyport, MA) sadly finds itself in.

Another Newburyport preservation disaster that had the opportunity of being a resounding Newburyport preservation success.

Mary Eaton

Retail Businesses Leaving Downtown Newburyport

I was pretty upset after reading Stephen Tait’s excellent article in today’s Newburyport Daily News, January 11, 2007, “Rented out: As costs rise, many downtown merchants struggle to keep up.”

“Deb Pagley, who owns Homespun Gatherings that recently moved from Newburyport to Amesbury, said “rents basically destroyed my business.”…

Pagley says the downtown is being “monopolized” by the Lagasses, Ann and husband Charles, who manage about 20 percent of the downtown retail spaces. They are partners with developer Stephen Karp, a billionaire mall builder who plans to develop the land between the Black Cow and Route 1, known as Waterfront West…

“They just control it,” Pagley said. “I think they are seeing the effects of it, because I think a lot of businesses are leaving because of the high rent.

“If they really care about Newburyport and they want to keep the variety of stores,” she added, “then they will have to look at what the rent is doing.” ”
(Newburyport Daily News, January 11, 2007)

I think these “Buy Local” folks have come (I hope) just in time.

A website worth checking out is “Hometown Advantage” on The Hometown Advantage gives examples of 18 cities and towns across the United States that have decided that they have a choice about what happens in their hometown.

If this is an issue that concerns you, by all means contact the “Buy Local” folks and give your Newburyport City Councilor a call.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Bike Racks Around the City

Bike Racks around the city of Newburyport, MA. What an incredibly good, sensible, obvious and downright fun proposal.

The Newburyport Parks Commission, the Seacoast Energy and Environmental Design Coalition (SEED) and Newburyport City Councilor Larry McCavitt together are working towards this goal. Good grief this really works for me.

This triumvirate hopes to cut down on pollution and help the environment in an effort to “encourage residents to bike rather than drive,” (Newburyport Daily News, January 8, 2006, by Stephen Tait) as well as help on the downtown parking dilemma.

According to the article in the Newburyport Daily News, SEED is seeking “donations from local businesses to support the effort and get more people downtown.” And the Newburyport Department of Public Works will help install the bike racks no less. This just gets better and better. And none of this is going to cost the City of Newburyport, MA a cent. How can we not love this.

And the “styles range from modern and streamlined to more historic-looking racks.” Sounds unbelievably well thought out.

Congratulations to City Councilor Larry McCavitt, SEED and of course the well love Newburyport Parks Commission.

It is a delight to see such a comprehensive and well thought out proposal that is such an incredibly “win-win” solution.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport’s Commercial Progress and Heritage

Certainly the “Buy Local” folks are bringing to the forefront the discussion of an economic plan for downtown Newburyport. We have a Newburyport Master Plan, but I’m not sure that we have a recent municipal Newburyport Economic Master Plan for downtown Newburyport, MA. (I haven’t heard of one, but that doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist somewhere.)

You see, this is where I get in trouble. I am an artist (and now I guess a blogger.) I am not a “business” person in the traditional sense and I do not have a degree in economics, nor do I have an MBA.

In this area, I am a “neophyte.”

And I am now learning more about chain store stuff than I ever imagined.

It seems as if on this subject, Newburyport, MA could be at a crossroads.

How does one define “commercial progress” for Newburyport, MA in the year 2007?

Is it possible that we could sustain ourselves economically with individual locally owned entrepreneurial businesses? Of course I hearken back to the days when I first moved here and almost every business was locally owned, and I loved it. Could I be naïve in wanting to go back to that economic formula in the year 2007? That amazing sense of “community.”

Many people that I’ve talked to think it is very possible for Newburyport, MA to have a viable mix of chain stores and locally owned businesses. And that the chain stores could bring business to other locally run shops.

But of course there is the great fear that landlords would find “tried and true” chain stores so much more appealing than less “tried and true” local entrepreneur business human beings. Especially if those landlords don’t live in Newburyport, MA.

And of course there is the fear that Newburyport, MA would lose it’s “flavor,” and become yet one more bland, homogenous place to live, work, shop and play.

“Buy Local” decal
(Image used with permission)

I am very glad that the “Buy Local” folks have initiated this discussion. It is one that we in Newburyport, MA badly need to have outside of the business community itself, because what happens commercially downtown would affect all our lives in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

And what the “Buy Local” folks are suggesting, which never occurred to me, is that as residents, we have a choice, if we decide to use that choice, about how downtown Newburyport, MA would look like economically. We could choose what would or would not go into downtown Newburyport, MA the way Nantucket, MA, Bristol, R.I. and Ogunquit, Maine have done.

This is a radical and fascinating idea, and one that had never occurred to me.

Mary Eaton