Category Archives: Youth

Youth and young people in Newburyport, MA, the period between childhood and adulthood.

Newburyport, School Funding

After reading Mr. Cole’s post(s) about the Newburyport School override, I was still confused about whether or not the entire amount of the $1.6 million override would be allocated to the Newburyport schools after one year, or if the money would go into Newburyport’s general fund. That is if the Newburyport school override would be voted in.

So I went on a hunt. And I talked to a whole lot of people. And spent a whole lot of time at the Mass DOR website.

“Proposition 21⁄2 establishes a limit on the annual property tax levy and approval of an override or exclusion question only increases the amount a community may raise in taxes. It does not authorize or require spending for the purpose of the question.”

“The additional funds raised by the override are “earmarked” for the stated spending purpose only in the first fiscal year.” (Mass DOR’s underlines, not mine)

For PDF version, please press here.

So as I understand it, an override for the Newburyport schools would only be earmarked for one year. After that, the money would be allocated with all other funds as part of the annual budget process.

Whether or not the override would continue to be allocated to the Newburyport schools, as I understand it, is a very grey area. There are no guarantees.

The only guarantee that an override would be allocated for the schools permanently, is if it were for purposes of funding a Stabilization Fund or a “Rainy Day Fund,” a change made to Massachusetts General Law in 2003.

The one thing that is definite, is that if an override would pass, it would be a permanent tax increase.

Mary Eaton

Editor’s Note: I received this email from Mass DOR which I will pass onto the readers of the Newburyport Blog:


In order for an override for schools to be effective to increase the town’s levy limit, any appropriation for the specific purpose of the override must be at least the amount of the override, in the first year. That does not necessarily mean that additional appropriations have to be made to the schools, dependent on the specific language of the override purpose. After the first year, there is no requirement that the override amount be appropriated to the schools in order for the override to provide additional levy capacity. See our publication entitled Proposition 2½, part IV.A.1 on page 9 (PDF version), which also provides more information on Proposition 2½.

Gary A. Blau, Tax Counsel
Bureau of Municipal Finance Law
PO Box 9569
Boston, MA 02114-9569

From the Chair of the Newburyport School Committee, Part 1

Dear Mary,

I am humbled and honored to be a member of the Newburyport School Committee, and serve as the committee’s vice chair. As a School Committee member, within my relations with the community my primary responsibility is to the children. As an elected official, I have been entrusted by the voters with the responsibility to help provide the best education for the children of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

At this time, as I have in the past, I would like to use the Newburyport Blog to share and communicate issues that are most relevant today, and that I am able to appropriately report on.

I would like to start with a detail that you included in the entry posted March 28th, 2007 “Newburyport, School Override.” Your premise that the schools would only benefit from the override for one year, should it be approved by the City Council to be voted on by the citizens of Newburyport, and pass, is incorrect. Please let me offer an explanation.

To use a recent recorded article, I’ll refer to the article in the Newburyport Daily News on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. At the top of the Newburyport page, A-3 there is an article “High School Proposal eliminates more teachers.” In the article there is a “proposed budget of $21,956,582.” Let’s use that number as a base.

That number results from Dr. Lyons restructuring and school reconfiguration plan, to be voted on by the School Committee on April 2, 2007. It reduces the budget deficit that was above $1.5 million dollars. While reducing expenses, it also creates an opportunity to add value to our schools by reengineering our educational programs to improve student achievement. This process would add value to our school district. It would also add value to the educational tax dollar, by reducing costs and adding value. Value equals quality over cost.

The plan also creates a platform from which to raise student achievement and add more value to the educational dollar within five areas of focus:
A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
A Best Practices Literacy Program Grades K through 6
Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking across the curriculum for grades 7 through 12
A Redesigned Math Program for Grades 5 through 9
A Sustainable Technology Program

The first piece of good news is that the Redesigned Math Program is already built in, through the restructuring. It needs to be. As math achievement in grades 5 through 9 needs improvement, now. This is especially evidenced by middle school MCAS scoring.

As a School Committee we have stated our intent to hear the recommended FY ’08 budget, formally presented. This was completed on Sat. 3/24, at the conclusion of a 51/2 hour meeting, and provides adequate opportunity to invite more public discussion an input during meetings on March 28 & April 2.

Steven P. Cole
Vice Chairman, Newburyport School Committee

(Editor’s Note: Part 1 of a two part post)

From the Chair of the Newburyport School Committee, Part 2

The School Committee has been clear that we will vote on the Dr. Lyons’ recommended restructuring and reconfiguration on April 2nd, along with voting on a final override list, on that same evening.

The list is expected to cost $1.63 million dollars, the basis of the override question. We will provide detail to what each item costs, for the City Council, for our April 3rd resubmission of a transfer and order for a special election.

Should that transfer and order pass, should the special election pass an override, those dollars will be added to the school district budget.

The $21,956,582 will have $1.63 million added to it. The total FY ’08 budget will be approximately $23,586.582. I say this as I do not know the exact dollar or penny what $1.63 million will be, could be $1,630,499 for example.

When we go to prepare the FY ’09 budget, it will be based on that number, plus the typical City appropriation of 2.5%. And yes, the property tax increase stays in effect for all property owners in the city, for FY ’08, 09 and for years to come. The hope is that revenue from the state will increase in three years, and revenue from the city will improve as well.

Because we have reduced expenses we will have less cost increase for FY ’09.

Another way to protect against cost increase is to include items in the override such as a technology purchase, and allocate dollars so that the first year purchase has an impact for some of the next year, we take out less that we will need to buy in ’09.

What drives this plan is the state of Massachusetts’ outlook for school funding to be flat for the next three years, including this year. If we didn’t reduce expenses this year, we would not have closed the deficit. If we don’t add value by dollars via an override, we will not be able to add value to our educational programs. Our budget gap would remain wide today, and get wider tomorrow. By approaching it in this way, we reduce expenses, add revenue, which mitigates against a widening gap, and provides a platform to add those items to improve student achievement.

With less expenses we should have less exposure to cost increases. Of course, there will be some, but some of those may be mitigated against by results of the plan, again in reducing expenses.

What I would like to do, over the next few days, would be to provide some clear explanation and detail of what each of the five areas of focus are. I would begin with “A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum.”

As always, any opinion that I express is my own, and does not necessarily reflect those of the School Committee or any of its individual members.

The explanation detail that I would provide is public knowledge.

I look forward to these opportunities to share this information.

Steven P. Cole
Vice Chairman, Newburyport School Committee

(Editor’s note: Part 2 of a two part post)

(Editor’s note: Since the “whole being sued thing” I have not had a “guest blogger” pretty much since October, and I’ve grown to like it that way. For the moment I’ve removed the “Guidelines and Overview” as well as the “FAQ” page from the Newburyport Blog. I am giving a lot of thought to what the policy of the Newburyport Blog might be. Many thanks to Steven Cole, but I think Mr. Cole will be the last guest blogger, at least for a while, until I figure out what I would like to do. Mary Eaton, editor of the Newburyport Blog.)

Newburyport, School Override

One of the things I learned on Monday night, March 26, 2007, watching the Newburyport City Council meeting on TV, was that even if an override for the Newburyport schools could be voted in, the Newburyport schools would benefit for only one year.

After that year, the money would go into the general fund, and the schools would only get 45% or 50% or whatever the percentage of the Newburyport budget is, that goes to the Newburyport schools each year. The residents of Newburyport, MA would still pay their higher taxes.

And next spring, parents and the Newburyport School Committee would be in the very same predicament, and the residence could be asked to raise their taxes yet once again.

We would be voting for a band aid that wouldn’t stick. It would a band aid that would peel off.

This was new news to me. And I was even less inclined to upped my taxes than I was before.

I do want to reinstate so many of the cuts that have been made to our schools over the last 4-5 years. But an override does not appear to be the way to do it.

I have no idea about these things, but I would be much more inclined to support a one-time debt exclusion where the money goes into a fund for the schools, is managed, and the schools can draw from the income of that fund every year. And that fund could gradually be added onto.

I do not know if this idea, or something like it, would be possible or not.

And when I read that the Newburyport School Committee and various parents would be planning to resubmit the override at the next Newburyport City Council, my blood pressure just about went off the charts. (The override did not pass by a 7 to 3 vote.)

As I understand it, resubmitting the override may be legal, but it is my opinion that it would be politically unwise.

Residents in the city of Newburyport are angry over this matter. The city of Newburyport is already divided. And to resubmit an override after it was defeated 7-3 would be to invite further hostility towards young families and the Newburyport School Committee. I do not believe that this would a good idea or in the long run, help solve the problem at hand.

Let’s say the Newburyport City Council is worn down by a repeat (or repeated??) resubmissions. People will vote, but they will be pissed.

I would urge the Newburyport School Committee and the parents who are behind the present Newburyport school override to think. To act wisely. To use political savvy. Because at the moment, it feels like emotional blackmail, at least to this blogger.

It would be much better to figure out a thoughtful, beneficial, win-win solution, than to go down this very detrimental path. It might be one thing to “win the battle,” but it would be quite another thing to “lose the war,” something that would hurt the entire city of Newburyport, MA.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Conversation About our Schools

I had a conversation with a Newburyport School Committee member about my complete confusion about what is going on.

One of the things I was told was the Newburyport Elementary School Needs Report would be completely off the table. With the refiguring of the Newburyport Kindergarten and the Newburyport Elementary Schools, building new elementary schools would no longer be necessary.

Let me tell you, if this is true, this is big news to me, and I would imagine it would be big news to most folks.

That means, if this conversation is valid, the Taj Mahal approach to our Newburyport Elementary Schools Needs is no longer an issue, and would NOT be something that the residents of Newburyport, MA would be asked to vote for. (ie NOT be asked ever to vote for a 30 million plus spanking new elementary school system. Repairs, most definitely needed, new school, maybe not?)

The Elementary School Needs report is still on the City of Newburyport Schools website, so it doesn’t sound like this one is exactly official. But if it is being considered, this is something the voters would definitely like to know about, pronto.

One of my other (of many) inquiries was whether the Newburyport School Committee was supporting Newburyport Superintendent Kevin Lyons and his refiguring of the Kindergarten and Newburyport Elementary Schools. The answer was “yes.” And the Newburyport School Committee would be taking a vote on that plan soon.

Also big news to me. And I think big news to most folks.

There was also a conversation about selling the Kelly School and putting that money into a trust, to be used for improvements to the Newburyport school system. In theory, other people and organizations could also add to that trust. (Wouldn’t that be nice. I’d love that one.)

And there was also a discussion about no longer needing the Cherry Hill property. And now having the option of selling that property and adding it to the theoretical trust.

Really big news on that one.

All of this sounded rational, organized and sane. I hope that it is all true.

If any of this information could be true, it would be my wish for the Newburyport School Committee to “communicate” this. Because I most certainly have been very confused. First asking for a Taj Mahal approach to our elementary schools, a very short while ago, and then asking for an override vote for capital expenditures, and no vote yet on Superintendent Kevin Lyon’s restructuring plan.

May rational thought rule. And could any of this be true, may we all be informed of this “new” agenda.

(And as a PS… I’ve now started to monitor my phone calls again, after a happy, but brief “no monitoring” period, until this whole school override, restructuring thing is resolved. Otherwise I’d be on the phone 24/7 with various and sundry “trying to set me straight.” An emotional issue.

My condolences to the Newburyport School Committee members, the Newburyport City Council and the Mayor. They don’t get the “blogger privilege” of the “call monitoring” thing. But then they ran for office.)

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Gardiner Bacon, Mayoral Season has Begun

I’ve know Gardiner Bacon and his family for 10-12 years or so. So when I heard that Mr. Bacon, a Newburyport High School senior, was running for mayor of Newburyport, MA, I thought, “Well, that actually makes sense.”

I remember reading a Letter to the Editor in the Newburyport Daily News (which for the life of me, I cannot find) by Gardiner Bacon, and thinking, “Darn, that’s good. Too bad everyone, young, old and in between couldn’t write Letters to the Editor like that!”

And from what I know of Mr. Bacon, he is amazingly bright and amazingly articulate. And, it would be my guess that Mr. Bacon could run rings around most people “older” than he is.

This is no practical joke, no “fly by night” whim on Gardiner Bacon’s part. This is serious folks.

And as we wring our hands (me very much included) over the predicament of our schools, let’s not forget that this is a Newburyport High School senior who has decided to run for mayor of Newburyport, MA.

A Newburyport High School senior that got into Antioch College. Not exactly a slouchy place, or for that matter, a bastion of conservative thinking.

The very little I know about Antioch College, they might even give Mr. Bacon Political Science college credit for running for mayor. And well they should. Talk about “life experience.”

And from my brief “chat” with Mr. Bacon, it appears that it is possible that Antioch College might well defer his enrollment. Whew.

And in Newburyport, MA, anything, anything is possible. So, folks, hang on to your hats. This political season has just put a wide-eyed grin on this blogger’s face.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Future of our Schools

I have heard a lot of information recently about the future of our schools in Newburyport. I would first like to discuss the rich history of Newburyport and it’s commitment to education.

I have worked and lived in this community as a social worker for almost 20 years. Many Newburyporters born and raised here have shared with me the importance of their neighborhoods. This has traditionally been a close knit community. Southenders have talked about the Brown School with deep affection. Downtowners have talked with love about the Kelly School. North and Westenders have talked about the warmth of the Bellville School (now known as the Bresnahan). It appears that some of what has knitted this community together is its neighborhoods and the schools where parents meet on the playground waiting for their children.

I know times have changed and the people that have lived here. I’ve been here long enough now that I grieve missing buildings, businesses and people. Nobody likes too much change. We can guarantee this change with the redistribution of children from community schools to city wide schools.

I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Lyons. I know that these changes are due to the lack of financial support on a Federal and State level, not just a community level. I don’t think it is productive to blame any one community group for this.

I also am a graduate of public school education and my son has had the benefit of an incredible education here in Newburyport. I don’t want a private education for my son. I believe some of the most dedicated educators are those in our own community.

I know the teachers purchase the majority of supplies on their incomes. I know that if we averaged the income of those in our community today, they might not reach the income of our teachers. I also believe that part of what makes a community great is its dedication to education.

I recently read a book about Newburyport History, “Newburyport: Stories from the Waterside” by Liz Nelson. I was not aware that in 1843 Newburyport established the first female high school in America. “A newspaper article fifty years later describes….efforts as being “bitterly opposed by the citizens…who could not tolerate…so vulgar a notion” …..The school committee presented a highly favorable report to the town meeting” and it was voted in!

I think that we need to consider as a community what will be said in future generations about us. Will we have established a precedence of caring about education or will it be bitterly opposed? Will we have a close knit community?

I ask you to give citizens of Newburyport the right to vote on the future of our community and its schools. 1) on an override that would only last three years, and 2) if we want a community wide school versus a neighborhood school.

I think that we all should have the right, just as they did in 1843, to decide what our future holds.

Lindamae Lucas

(Editor’s note: The quotation above is from “Newburyport: Stories from the Waterside,” Liz Nelson, Commonwealth Editions, Beverly, MA, 2000, pages 54 and 55.)

Newburyport, Loss of Neighborhood Schools

When the Newburyport School Committee does vote on Superintendent Kevin Lyons’ restructuring of the Newburyport Kindergarten and Elementary Schools, I imagine that it would be a very emotional vote.

Neighborhood elementary schools have been part of the fabric of Newburyport, MA since, like forever. I imagine it would feel like losing something comforting and familiar. Losing part of the soul of Newburyport, MA.

A very commonsense and pragmatic solution to an incredible conundrum by Superintendent Kevin Lyons. But also a solution that would be painful for many in Newburyport, MA.

If it does happen, that will be a lot for this small seaport city to absorb.

And I think asking residents to also process (in my mind) a large spring override for the Newburyport School system, would be asking way too much.

I think it might be hard enough to drum up support by November.

I know there are a lot of concerned, worried and involved parents who are actively organizing for a spring override. But it is my very strong belief, that the city of Newburyport, MA needs time to absorb all the changes that are before them.

In a time of loss (and I think closing the Kelly School and restructuring Kindergarten and the Newburyport Elementary Schools is a loss) people tend to hold on to their pocketbooks. I think it would be very unwise to ask people to add to their tax burden on top of all of this, especially when the new residential assessments are coming out, and people do not know what their new taxes would be. (And I imagine that they are not going down folks.)

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Educational Spring Override

Sorry folks, now that we have a doable plan from Superintendent Kevin Lyons on the restructuring of our kindergarten and Newburyport elementary schools, I am no longer for a spring override.

I am enormously frustrated by the Newburyport School Committee (and believe me I think they have one of the toughest jobs in Newburyport, MA).

On the issue of an override, it appears to me that the Newburyport School Committee has seemed disjointed and unorganized. And frankly, it’s late in the game. Way too late in the game.

What many of the Newburyport City Councilors have been telling the Newburyport School Committee is true. To convince folks to pony up and raise their taxes takes time. Lots and lots of time, thought and organization, if there is a whiff of a hope of getting an override passed.

To quote in the Newburyport Daily News, March 13, 2007:

“(School Committee member Andrea Jones ) Jones said she believes city councilors’ reluctance to support the School Committee’s override request is driven by their own re-election concerns.

“Saying there’s not enough time is just the council’s excuse this week for not supporting the override,” Jones said. “It’s an election year, and anyone who’s running for re-election needs to be very careful how they talk about anything that affects taxes.” ”

It is my opinion that Ms Jones is way off base. This is not a selfish, self-serving Newburyport City Council. And if that quote is accurate, I am disappointed.

The Newburyport School Committee hasn’t even voted on whether or not to endorse Superintendent Kevin Lyon’s restructuring plan. (The Newburyport Daily News, March 13, 2007.)

One would think a vote on that very thoughtful problem solving solution would come first. And then a long and well thought out campaign, involving a well thought out plan, to ask the residents of Newburyport, MA to pony up money for education. Not the rush job that’s in the works now, no matter how well intentioned.

The Newburyport City Council is correct. If this vote fails (and I can tell you, at the moment, I would not vote for an override now), there is little hope of the getting the residents of Newburyport to take the Newburyport School Committee seriously in any way shape or form. This could be a major political blunder.

It seems to me that a leader like Superintendent Kevin Lyons, doesn’t come along very often, and it might be wise for the Newburyport School Committee to follow his lead.

What the Newburyport School Committee has been doing, in my mind, is really, really frustrating.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Education

Our schools. The financial state of our schools. How utterly depressing.

I hope Superintendent Kevin Lyons sticks around, doesn’t get so discouraged about the bleak financial picture that he moves on. Never met the guy, but not to repeat myself, but to repeat myself, he sounds awesome.

To have the school financial picture be so bleak that we will have to let teacher’s go, possibly lose the accreditation for our High School and have class sizes go up. Yikes.

No extra money from the state, rising costs and no extra mula in the city’s coffers. Yikes.

Look folks, when it gets this bleak, I’m all for an override. Come on, we are not talking entitled Taj Mahal Elementary School Building plan here, we are talking losing basics, which hurts everyone’s financial bottom line.

People are not going to want to live in Newburyport, MA if our brand new spanking High School (which hasn’t been remotely paid for yet) loses its accreditation. Oh, good grief.

In 2 months we’ve gone from discussing a Taj Mahal approach to an Elementary School Building plan, to a very commonsense approach by Newburyport Superintendent Kevin Lyons to, at least what I thought was a “brilliant,” problem solving solution to the present overcrowding in the Newburyport Elementary School, to the present utter bleakness.

Oy vey…

This is one of the many, many reasons I would never want to be on the Newburyport School Committee or be the mayor of Newburyport, MA. Much easier to be a blogger.

I would lose an awful lot of sleep at night on this one.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Wisdom, Our Schools

Our new superintendent of the Newburyport school system, Kevin Lyons appears to me as someone who is “wise.”

I’ve never met the man, I’ve just read the papers and heard people speak of him, but he strikes me as a “wise” man.

It’s my own opinion that “wisdom” is a much overlooked quality in our society today and to find it in a leader is rare.

I toddled off to Google (I know, Google might not be equated with “wisdom”) for a definition of “wisdom” and these are a few of the things that I found.

1) “Having experience, knowledge and understanding together with the power of applying all three with prudence, practicality, discretion and common sense;”

2) ” “It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things” (Henry David Thoreau).”

3) “Knowledge with information so thoroughly assimilated as to have produced sagacity, judgment, and insight.”

Wisdom requires experience and yes, time. It is why the young are rarely “wise.” They are many, many other things , thank goodness, but “wise,” is rare.

And it is not enough to have knowledge, it is the application and assimilation of that knowledge that produces “wisdom.”

And it is my experience that “wise” people are often “trusted” people. And it is my impression is that Superintendent Kevin Lyons is already “trusted” by many who have come in contact with him.

Not something to be sneezed at.

One of the dilemmas I see in Newburyport, MA, is that young families feel pitted against the community, and that there is a great deal of resentment towards the young families because of the possibility of raised taxes for all sorts of things, including a huge proposed elementary school building extravaganza.

But Mr. Lyons appears to be “wise,” using his experience to defuse that growing tension and applying his knowledge to better teaching and innate problem solving within (at least at this point) the existing educational structure. Showing, in my mind, incredible “wisdom.”

May this man continue to be the “gem” that he appears to be. “Wise gems,” in my experience, are often few and far between.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Winter Carnival

George is a wuss.

George Cushing, from Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, the political consultant to the Newburyport Political Blog is a wuss.

George Cushing will not go to the Winter Carnival, this Saturday January 27, 2006, sponsored by the Newburyport Park’s Commission, which will be held yes, you guessed it, at FROG POND at the Bartlet Mall (on High Street from 10AM to 4:30PM.)

And why George, are you being a wuss?

George Cushing being a wuss

Because it’s cold?? The whole point is that it is cold, for goodness sakes. Frog Pond is frozen over so that people can skate.

(I’ve even tried wrapping George Cushing in a scarf, so he won’t be cold. But, no, that won’t do. He doesn’t like any of the scarfs. None of the colors work for him or they’re too scratchy??)

You want to stay here because it’s nice and toasty warm?? But George, this is your beloved Frog Pond. Right?

All your friends and relatives at Frog Pond are estivating?? Oh, good grief, George, what is “estivating?”

Estivating is what I would call hibernating? All your friends and relatives will be hanging around below at the mud at Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, so that you won’t have any frogs to frog-on with?

Ok, I give up. You can “estivate” at the Newburyport Political Blog and stay snuggy warm. Happy?

However, just because George Cushing has decided to “estivate” and not go to his beloved Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, doesn’t mean that everyone else can’t have a great time at the Winter Canrnival.

The Winter Carnival
Sponsored by the Newburyport Parks Commission
The Bartlet Mall
High Street (near CVS)
10:30AM to 4:30PM
Lots of fun, skating, hay rides, sledding and snowboarding (if there is snow,) games, races and free hot chocolate (courtesy of the White Hen Pantry) to keep everyone toasty warm.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, The Basic Needs of our Schools

As a taxpayer I am not willing to spend money on a Taj Mahal approach to Newburyport’s Elementary School building needs, but I sure am willing and want, as a taxpayer, to make sure that our children at least have the basics with which to learn.

I found Superintendent’s Kevin Lyons report (Newburyport Daily News, December 19, 2006) to be professional, thoughtful and full of plain old Yankee common sense.

To quote from the article in the Newburyport Daily News by Nick Pinto:

“Programs at each school level are operating with outdated textbooks and curriculum materials or none at all, according to Lyons. In the elementary schools, the literacy program is 12 years old and makes it difficult for teachers to make use of modern advances in literacy education.

At the middle school, students and teachers are using an older and inferior edition of math textbooks and curriculum.

At the high school, German and Spanish classes have no textbooks or program materials at all.

Lyons also sounded an alarm on the district’s use of technology, once a pride of the system. Cuts in technology integration staff have made it harder for teachers to use new technology, slow connections discourage them from using the Internet and the high school’s computers will outlive their warranty this summer, just as many of them are beginning to fail.”


This is very bad news. And it is something that I as a taxpayer would very much like to remedy.

And I also appreciated this quote:

“Improve communication with parents and the community….”

Better communication with the community is vital for there to be support for our children’s education (not fancy buildings, education.)

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Holiday Greetings

George Cushing, of the Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, the political consultant for the Newburyport Political Blog, is feeling in a holiday mood.
George Cushing
feeling in a holiday mood

This surprised me somewhat, because George Cushing of the Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall has never struck me as a festive amphibian. Wouldn’t you agree? Those beady little eyes of his, never seemed to indicate to me that he would in anyway be any kind of “party animal.”

Go figure.

The twins, on the other hand, G. C. Cushing and C. G. Cushing of Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, the aspiring consultants to the Newburyport Political Blog, well, I can definitely see how they would be full of holiday glee.

The Twins
Aspiring political consultants
to the Newburyport Political Blog

They look so chirpy, they probably still believe Santa Claus exists, for goodness sakes. But if they think just because they are aspiring consultants to the Newburyport Political Blog, good old Santa is going to lavish them with frog presents, they had just better forget all about that one. Good grief.

On a more serious note, George Cushing, and moi, were delighted by the missive from Newburyport School Superintendent, Kevin Lyons, reported in today’s Newburyport Daily News, December 19, 2006.

Wanting funding for better education for our children. How refreshing. So much better than wanting funding for a Tah Majal building scheme for Newburyport’s elementary school needs. (But more on that later.)

Anyway, George and the twins and of course me, wish all Happy Holidays.

So, Cheers!

Mary Eaton
The Editor of the Newburyport Political Blog

(Editor’s note: The Editor of the Newburyport Political Blog, namely me, would like to thank Madame Schwartz for bringing George Cushing and the Twins of Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall into my life, and of course yours.)

Newburyport, the Taj Mahal of Elementary Schools?

Didn’t I tell you that pretty soon we were going to be seeing adorable pictures of our adorable elementary school children and the “deplorable” conditions in which they have to exist. (Newburyport Daily News, December 13, 2006, front page with picture.)

I’m not buying it.

“One solution being discussed is moving all full-day kindergarten classes to the Brown School, which will have space to spare next year. By removing one kindergarten class each from the Kelley and the Bresnahan schools, room could be made for the additional class space each school is expected to require next year.” (Newburyport Daily News, December 12, 2006.)

Newburyport City Councilor Audrey McCarthy is very astute (Newburyport Daily News December 13, 2006) if just not downright sensible:

“Councilor Audrey McCarthy isn’t sure that a more aggressive tack by the committee will necessarily produce better results with the City Council.

“In the past I would have said, ‘Sure, they just need to tell the council what they need,'” said McCarthy, who meets regularly with school officials as part of the Joint Education Committee. “But now it’s more like trying to get water from a rock. Coming up with a plan and presenting it to the council would just be wasted time if there isn’t a way to pay for it.”

And my favorite quote from Councilor McCarthy:

“Everybody wants the schools to be as nice as possible, but we can’t sell the public on the Taj Mahal”

Ms McCarthy goes on to say:

“I’m at a point where I think the plan may need to be changed. All the councilors agree we can’t do more than we can afford, and honestly I don’t know if that includes the West End school.” (The West End School to the tune of more than $20 million — I don’t think so.)

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Character not Shabby

Although the Mayor and members of the Newburyport City Council appear to be having misgivings about a special election for the Newburyport elementary school $30 million dollar, diamond necklace spending extravaganza (whew), apparently, according to the Newburyport Daily News, December 4, 2006, members of the Newburyport School Committee do not.

I really like and admire the members of the Newburyport School Committee. I cannot think of a more difficult committee to be on in Newburyport, MA. The problems they try to solve are swamp-like and seemingly endless. To me the fact that anyone would volunteer to be on the Newburyport School Committee is amazing.

However, if the Newburyport School Committee persists in pushing this version of the Newburyport Elementary Building School Needs plan, this is what I expect. Cynic that I am.

I fully expect to start reading in all the local (maybe national, who knows) publications how dismal and awful the elementary schools are, with pictures if possible, of how depressing it must be to be a child in these horrible surroundings.

And then a statement about how all the other towns or cities have beautiful new sparkly elementary schools, and it is the poor unfortunate Newburyport elementary school children who are utterly deprived and probably psychologically harmed because of this ghastly state of affairs.

And then an adorable, or most probably a series of adorable, pictures of our absolutely adorable elementary school children. And they are adorable.

How horrible of the taxpayers not to want to cough up $30 million for this particular plan of a new diamond necklace elementary school extravaganza for these adorable children.

This was basically the tactic used to persuade the tax payer that repairs to the Newburyport High School were not nearly as wonderful as the “gut and redo.”

The problem I have with shiny and new, is the building (or buildings) in question has/have no character.

It takes a while to develop character. The thing I like about our elementary schools (and I don’t care if folks start to wail about how all worn out they are) is that they have character. One gets a sense that there were many folks, of all sorts of folks, that were in these buildings, long before the present students started their journey.

And instead of feeling that because of that, these buildings are now all worn down and useless (that’s our superficial culture, aren’t we supposed to be teaching our kids better stuff than that?) I think they have character, a sense of history, personality if you will. Not shallow Paris Hilton superficial culture building kind of stuff.

And I think this is a GOOD thing, maybe even a great thing.

So I’m not buying what I think may be coming next in the “reaching out to the community” thing, in persuading the taxpayers that our school children are in utter misery because of their ghastly, outdated, shabby surroundings.

No, should this come our way, I’m not buying this at all. In fact I’ll be really pissed if folks try to pull that one off.

I keep saying to myself, “it’s time to shut up now Mary, about all this elementary school building stuff.” But it appears that I’ve really gotten my “knickers in a knot.”

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Maybe Some Sanity Settling In

People have said that they are surprised that I am against the elementary school, $30 million dollar, diamond necklace, spending extravaganza.

I guess people figure me for a “tax and spend” liberal democrat.

Not “tax and spend” to the tune of $30 million dollars. Come on. Not when there are LOTS of other alternatives. Think of me as a “practical” liberal democrat.

I was relieved to read in the Newburyport Daily News, December 4, 2006, that at least Mayor John Moak and members of the Newburyport City Council have concerns about the wisdom of a special election for this Spring.


However, I would love for Mayor Moak and members of the Newburyport City Council to urge the School Committee to abandon this “ridiculous” plan altogether and come up with something that makes some “practical,” fiscal, common sense. From the article in the Newburyport Daily News, that didn’t sound like that was going to happen (yet.)

$30 million dollars makes $5 million for a Senior Center (Newburyport Daily News, December 4, 2006) look like a proverbial “walk in the park,” a “real deal,” a “downright bargain” if you will. Good grief.

Ok, I know I’m beginning to beat a horse, I don’t know if it’s a “dead horse” yet. But I really, really seem to be worked up about this one.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Elementary School Building Needs Assignment

I remember when the “Elementary School Building Needs” Committee was first assembled and got to rock and rolling. A large, very committed group (many of whom I greatly admire.)

Yes, they were given an assignment: Come up with the most desirable scenario for the building needs of our elementary school children. The needs apparently included a “gym” which immediately eliminated the Kelly School from the equation, which I always thought was part of the unspoken assignment. Made it very difficult for pro-Kelly School folks on that committee, let me tell you.

And if you read the final recommendations of 2002, which are on the Newburyport School website (and it’s not exactly snappy stuff, good reading if you want to fall asleep quickly at night,) the conclusions almost sound as if they are there to make sure that the Kelly School stays out of the picture.

And I always thought the recommendations were so convoluted that no one in their right mind would actually take this much agonized over document seriously, hence its being stuffed in a “convenient” drawer for all these years.

Ah, but apparently, I was wrong.

The assignment for these hard working folks was not: Come up with a long term elementary school plan that benefits our children and would also fit in with the goals of the larger community.

If that had been the assignment, the convoluted, agonized over document would not be what it is now. We would have had something much more reasonable and thoughtful, because the people who worked on it were reasonable and thoughtful folks.

The root of the problem, as far as I’m concerned — lousy (politically motivated) assignment for hard working committee members.

Time for a new assignment right away, one that requires a realistic view of the Newburyport Schools real estate assets, the needs of our elementary school children (with all those state mandates,) and the overall fiscal picture (which is bleak) of Newburyport, MA.

With that assignment, I think a completely different picture of what could be built (or fixed) for our elementary school children would emerge. And hopefully, it would not take a year or more to accomplish. And hopefully, that picture would be a much easier “sell” to the taxpayer and we would have one of those delightful “win-win” situations.

As it stands now, this is a “lose-lose” proposition. School Committee, go back to the drawing board real quick. Don’t waste our time trying to sell us this incredibly silly, convoluted $30 million diamond necklace elementary school building needs stuff. Please.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Special Election — Just Say “No”

Oh, good grief! The Newburyport School Committee is proposing a special election for this Spring to start the ball rolling on the funding for the proposed $30 million dollar elementary school building extravaganza.

First of all the special election would cost the tax payers $17,000 (Newburyport Daily News, November 29, 2006). There is NO money for that. Please.

The push, or the panic button push, or the “our children will be destroyed forever” push, if you will is “overcrowding.”

But, what the School Committee is NOT talking about (or at least that I can find out) is that there is a short term solution to the overcrowding situation that would cost very little money compared to what they are proposing. (Preliminary estimate to new construction at the Bresnahan — $4.3 million, the beginning of the $30 million spending extravaganza.)

Not ideal, but as I understand it, an all full day kindergarten could be out of the Brown Elementary School, thereby freeing up much needed space at the Bresnahan Elementary School.

Money for busing, yes, but a lot less than the proposed $4.3 million. Come on.

The argument against this — not good for our children to have to switch back and forth between neighborhood schools. They could be permanently, irretrievably, emotionally harmed.

Oh, good grief, that is just ridiculous.

At kindergarten and early elementary school ages, one does not need a expensive consultant/researcher to know that this back and forth stuff would NOT cause irrefutable harm to our young Newburyport school children. Good grief again.

Free up the space at the Bresnahan Elementary School and then go back to the drawing board right away and come up with a sensible, realistic, fiscally responsible solution (there are four very valuable pieces of property here, see previous posts) that the taxpayers will support.

Do not waste everyone’s time and valuable money. I’m not even talking compromise here. I’m talking a good dose of downright Yankee commonsense, not pie in the sky, dreamy $30 million dollar building plan.

Mary Eaton

Newburyport, Newsletters and Elementary Schools

A while ago I got a newsletter from the Mayor’s office. It was on bright yellow paper and it was excellent.

Snow Emergency Update, Leaf Pick-up, Crow Lane Landfill Update. All info short and to the point and written by different department heads. I read the whole thing. And I would have read the whole thing even if I wasn’t a blogger, who now reads this kind of stuff.

And a few days later, for some reason, I wandered into the Children’s Room at the Newburyport Library. And low and behold there was another newsletter, the School Committee Newsletter. I used to receive one of those, but since there is no child in the Newburyport School system, I guess, no more newsletter.

But, as a tax payer I would have very much liked to have gotten this particular newsletter (October 2006) because right there in black and white the “Status” of the Long Term Elementary Building Needs. Ah, my…

Note to the Newburyport School Committee: very helpful to send out an abbreviated version of the newsletter to taxpayers, a la what the Mayor’s Office initiated, especially when it comes to spending $30 million plus (Newburyport Daily News, November 17, 2006) of tax payers hard earned money on a diamond necklace approach to our elementary school building stuff. Good grief.

So, no, it sounds like, having stumbled on this newsletter in the Newburyport Library, quite by accident, that the Newburyport School Committee has no intention of revamping it’s recommendations to coincide with reality, but instead is deciding on “how to best proceed with implementing this plan.”

Bad idea.

And the reason it would be a good idea for taxpayer to receive (at least an abbreviated version) of the Newburyport School Committee newsletter, is that a) of course it pertains to the taxpayer’s money, and b) taxpayers often have very good insight and perspective that parents who are in the throws of getting their children educated (which usually, in my experience, entails at least some degree of high anxiety) might not yet have.

Having a child go through a whole variety of educational building situations, from very fancy to very un-fancy to large, small and inbetween, my perspective is that it was the schoolmates, the caring parents of schoolmates, and the guardian angels all the way along, who taught, cajoled, prodded and guided that made the huge difference, rather than the bricks and mortar stuff that encased guardian angel wings and other things.

(Boy, I wonder if this is going to piss a lot of people off.)

Mary Eaton