Monthly Archives: June 2007

Chair of Newburyport Planning Board not Reappointed

Mayor John Moak has informed Doug Locy that he would not be reappointed to the Newburyport Planning Board.

Oy Vey.

And Mr. Locy is taking it like the “gent” (gentleman) that he is.

I emailed Doug when I heard the news and Mr. Locy emailed me back the most gracious of emails. He’s words speak far more eloquently than mine ever could.

“I know folks will speculate and search for other reasons behind his decision. But I’m not going there. Our City is indeed very fortunate if there are in fact five qualified candidates ready to volunteer. Membership requires a great deal of time to serve the City properly. We have eight other dedicated and talented Planning Board members who have demonstrated their willingness to make the necessary sacrifice. I’m confident our City will be well served going forward.”

Doug Locy has been on the Planning Board for 15 years, and it certainly was many folks hope that we as a community would have his wisdom, knowledge and calm, civil but resolute leadership to help us through the Waterfront West and the Little River Village permitting processes. Two very crucial projects for the city of Newburyport, MA.

Although Mr. Locy had spoken out in favor of former planning director, Nick Cracknell (who was let go by Mayor Moak), and worked on Donna Holaday’s campaign (Mayor Moak’s opponent in the 2005 election), Mayor John Moak, in today’s Newburyport Current, June 1, 2007, says he does not feel that this is a “political” decision. Dan Bowie and Jeff Roelofs, who have been critical of Mr. Moak in the past, have both been reappointed to the Planning Board. And Mayor John Moak is also going to reappoint Bonnie Sontag, a former Holaday supporter and campaign worker.

I wish that Mayor Moak had made the decision to keep on Mr. Locy. But as Doug Locy pointed out in the email that I was sent, it is the mayor’s “prerogative to cast City boards and commissions with appointments that best reflect his views.”

Mary Eaton