Google index’s Newburyport Political Blog

As of Janurary 17th, Google has indexed the Newburyport Political Blog.

This means that if you type in “Newburyport politics”, the blog comes up.

If you type in “Newburyport and “parking” or “international business” or “demolition, historic preservation, Wheelwright House, Mint, Perkins, Perkins Mint, Nick Cracknell, Temple Street, Jim Lagoulis, Lagoulis,” the Newburyport Political Blog comes right up.

This means that the issues concerning Newburyport will now be read outside of our city, by a statewide, national and yes, even an international audience. The Internet is an amazing thing.

(Sometimes it can take 2 days to a week for the indexing by Google to become permanent, ie, for the next week the index for the blog may come and go.)

Mary Eaton, Newburyport