Newburyport, Meeting About Paving Over the Waterfront

Tonight’s meeting of the Mayor’s “Waterfront Task Force” (6 pm, Wednesday July 12, 2006, at the Newburyport Police Station) will feature a presentation by a representative of the mayor regarding the way(s) in which the Waterfront can be paved and still conform to chapter 91.

Chapter 91 is filled tidelands.

Roger Foster spent over $100,000 getting his chapter 91 license.

The property the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority owns is not only filled tidelands (which the Commonwealth say the public has a right to access the water through,) but also Commonwealth tidelands, which have even more demanding restrictions.

A parking lot is not considered an acceptable use under Chapter 91, only parking for access to the river, boats, etc. So the state might stretch to a 50/50 park/parking, but it is my understanding that the State would not approve 100% parking.

At tonight’s meeting, 6 pm, Newburyport Police Station, I would imagine that the presentation by the Mayor’s representative would be to the effect that that is not necessarily true.

And also it is my understanding that the cost of asphalt has doubled since the Mayor came up with the 3.5 million estimate. Apparently many people felt that the original estimate would be more like 4-5 million.

It is also my understanding that there is no money, whatsoever, to pave the Waterfront.

Again, tonight’s meeting is:

6 PM
Newburyport Police Station
Waterfront Task Force

And again (see earlier post) apparently anyone who attends would be considered part of the Waterfront Task Force.

Mary Eaton