First of all I apologized to George Cushing of Frog Pond at the Bartlet Mall, the political consultant to the Newburyport Political Blog, for my wanting to even think about having anything tasteless regarding him and Georgiana Tadpole on the Newburyport Political Blog.
George has accepted my apology.
George did think, however, that there are an awful lot of photographs of FROGS and not a one photograph of the editor of the Newburyport Political Blog.
I told him I didn’t like having my picture taken at all. That’s why there is no picture anywhere (except of that nice photograph taken by the Boston Globe on the “Press” page) on the World Wide Web of yours truly.
George, tenacious frog that he is, put his little webby foot down, and said, “Well tough, it’s about time.”
So here is a picture of the hard-working editor of the Newburyport Political Blog, namely moi, with George Cushing the political consultant to the Newburyport Political Blog.
The editor of the Newburyport Political Blog
with George Cushing, political consultant
Hey, what can I say, it’s February, it’s cold, and it wouldn’t matter what vast and important things could be happening in Newburyport, MA, even stuff about “flagpoles.” (See previous post.) Sometimes it’s just fun to be silly. Having a picture taken with a stuffed frog might be something one could get away with on a blog, but it would most probably be hopelessly vetoed in “mainstream” media outlets.
Oh, well.
Mary Eaton