Newburyport, Influence of Infill

I was invited to a very nice gathering at the Newburyport Preservation Trust for its members and friends. The Newburyport Preservation Trust– a fledgling non-profit organization, with gobs of potential, with at last I knew, 120 members and growing.

My, a lot of new faces. And Historic Preservation can be so boring.

So why, I asked myself, this sudden interest and enthusiasm. Multi-determined, I’m sure.

A lot of “wakeup calls” from “infill” in literally backyards. There’s nothing like an objectionable project next door to make one suddenly become mucho interested in “zoning,” which is usually a major snooze factor.

Or to have an “infill” project next door, maybe not literally next door, but in one’s town, next door, a la the proposed Wheelwright property development. That seems to have gotten people very interested in what they might do to “save our town.”

And, much to my delight, the mayor of Newburyport, MA was not only invited, but showed up to this gathering of people interested in preserving our historic assets, the basis of our economic success now, and our economic strength in the future.

Good for Mayor John Moak. I really and truly was really pleased (all silliness on my part aside).

There were a number of Newburyport City Councilors there as well.

And the meet and greet turned out to be a tonic for civic burn-out, as well as just being plain old downright fun.

So good for the Newburyport Preservation Trust. Keep up the good work. And may the Newburyport Preservation Trust fulfill the potential that so many of us think that it could have.

Mary Eaton

(Editor’s note: The Newburyport Preservation Trust was formed in 2005 as a non-profit organization. It’s mission is to inform, educate and advocate for the enhancement and preservation of Newburyport’s unique historic character and architectural legacy.)