I worry that I am no longer a Liberal Democrat. Ouch.
On social issues I am probably left of Ted Kennedy. But when it comes to fiscal stuff, ie money, after a year and 4 months plus of blogging, I find that I am more and more a fiscal conservative. Good grief.
And weirdly the 2 seem to be at odds with each other.
How can we as a city support quality education if there is little to no money at the local, state or federal level?
Ditto for a senior center. Ouch.
Ditto for practical things like fire trucks. Ouch
Ditto for the arts in places like the school system. Ouch.
Ditto for really good health care for the people who work hard to serve the city of Newburyport, MA. Ouch.
Ditto for expensive parks or parking solutions. Ouch.
There is a lot of stuff on the “Ouch” list for me.
I am finding that being a “pragmatist” and an “idealist” may in fact, in my case, be an oxymoron.
And as I walk the street of Newburyport, MA and talk to people, I feel a tension in town, brought to a head, most likely, over the concern over our educational system.
Do I feel “hopeful” about the future of our city, at least on May 10, 2007? Honestly, I have my doubts.
I feel very hopeful about the leadership of Superintendent Kevin Lyons. I think that he is one of the best things to happen to our school system in decades.
This is why I am a little confused about the “Advisory Board” put together by the “Yes for Newburyport” folks. I think the leadership of our school system is in the best hands that it has been in for years. Frankly, in my opinion, in a lot better hands than some of the folks on the “Advisory Board” list.
I most definitely think that Dr. Lyons has the leadership ability “to set an agenda to guide Newburyport’s school system into the 21st Century.” And that we would not need an “Advisory Board” for that goal.
But, what we could use an “Advisory Board” for is to provide leadership, as well as a city wide policy, to help us advocate for state and federal funding (that would not trigger anymore very expensive and intrusive state and federal mandates).
And it would be wonderful if all the brain power and all the state and sometimes federal connections this “Advisory Board” has, could be put towards that purpose for the city of Newburyport, MA.
This is where I think these folks could be unbelievably helpful, and we as a city would be most grateful.
Mary Eaton