Participating in the Newburyport Political Blog

As people tell me that they are reading the Newburyport Political Blog, my response is to thank them and ask them to please “chime in.”

The response I often get is “I just may do that” with a look that seems to say, “but, how do I begin to do that?”

Mr. Martino and Mr. Laing are two great examples. One found the Newburyport Political Blog and emailed me with an idea. The other found the Newburyport Political Blog and emailed me with a question. In both cases I emailed back and asked if their email could be “tweaked” and used as a post.

So, their first ventures into posting for the Newburyport Political Blog were small ones. I think that as their confidence grew, they began to submit longer posts.

So if you would like to be a guest blogger for the Newburyport Political Blog and you are wondering how to do that, start small. You can email me a thought or idea or a draft and I can help you turn it into a post. And hopefully you may become a frequent guest blogger for the Newburyport Political Blog.

Mary Eaton, Newburyport